Corncob Burnout

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Jan 21, 2016
I had a redditor send me a MM Washington Pipe and some ziploc samples of tobacco, as a mystery gift.
I was enamored at first puff, being a longtime cigar smoker.
I am completely converted, which is probably good for all the low-grade cigars in my humidor that now have a chance to rest and age.
However, clearly I'm using an improper form, because I experienced a huge disappointment a few minutes ago.
I must have been smoking too hot, because I noticed a change in flavor and the draw became really loose.
I turned the cob around to see a smouldering hole. The rest of the bowl was barely warm, so I was surprised to see it.

So I suppose I have a few questions.
What did I do wrong? (I assume I was smoking too hot, but this happened maybe 2-3 minutes after lighting the bowl, so I'm not sure.)
What's an inexpensive replacement option? (I would probably be looking for something that can tolerate a hotter burn to compensate for my apparent improper form, but on the lower-tier as I have a heavily restricted income since I'm a stay-at home caretaker for my wife and we're still fighting for an form of disability/aid)
Anyhow, hello and thanks for taking the time to look at this, hopefully I can become a useful part of the community.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 12, 2012
That's probably due to a defect in the cob, specially since you point out that the rest of the cob was barely warm, rather than technique itself.
As for a replacement, get a genuine Missouri Meerschaum cob. They are inexpensive and the best out there, I myself haven't tried any other cob pipes, but those who have say the MMs are leaps and bounds above the competition regarding smoking characteristics and burn-out resillience.
The pipe you posted doesn't seem to be a genuine MM, but I might be wrong.



Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
Welcome to the Forums!
That's not burn-out; this is burn-out:

My guess is that your cob-pipe's bowl had a weak spot which lead to the burn-through. Also, smoking too hot can indeed lead to such a problem. My suggestion is that you use kitchen matches to light, draw slowly, and strive to have your tobacco to smolder. If the pipe's bowl becomes so hot that it cannot be comfortably held in your hand, then put the pipe aside until it has cooled to that point, then resume smoking.



Can't Leave
May 10, 2014
That's not an MM Washington, as they have a plaster finish over the cob. It could be an MM Pride, turn it over and see if it has a Missouri Meershaum sticker on the bottom. If it doesn't, it's likely a Chinese made cob, and those are utter crap! You would be lucky to get a couple of smokes out of a Chinese cob!
Assuming it's not a genuine Missouri Meershaum, get an MM immediately: they are a great product that will last for years! I've got around 20 MM cobs and have never experienced an issue like this, and I smoke my cobs constantly.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 4, 2012
Cobs are great pipes. I am sure that they burn out occasionally, but they certainly do not have to. Considering your criteria, I would get another cob, maybe a Country Gentleman shape, and change your form.
I feel like an evangelist, but this article should help you in that regard. Pipe smoking is very different from cigar smoking. Slow down, and get used to tiny little puffs of smoke rather than what you would expect from a cigar.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2015
I have a similar "real" cob right from the great Chinese cornfields :D Had the same issue but never with the genuine MM.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Darn, I thought that this was going to be a thread about how "burnouts" all smoke cobs, ha ha!!
For some reason, I cannot see the picture. But, there are also Old Dominion Cobs. I have been meaning to get a couple to try out. The owner of the company is a frequent contributor to the forums and a stand-up guy. I am curious as to how those stems that they use smoke. If it turns out to be a bummer, it would make an awesome snowman pipe.



Yeah... that's not a Washington. They don't come in a natural finish. They all have a plaster finish. It might be a Pride, but I seriously question it. I've never seen one with such an uneven rim and large kernel holes. Buy yourself an actual MM and try it again.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Beware of free cobs. Yours (op) looks nothing like a Missouri Meerschaum. Cheap imitations from China are known to be less than satisfactory.

Even briar can burn out when there is a defect.

Due to my own rapid pace during smoking my cobs, I've got several with exterior bulges and cracks, but they still smoke like champs. I've managed to burn out one MM second, largely my own fault. I caught it in time to actually salvage the pipe by coating the burned out area with plaster.



Jan 21, 2016
I never expected so much feedback in a short time!
Thank you for all your responses.
I took a picture from a different angle:


I suppose I'm not sure what it is.
Anyhow, I'm off to look for another pipe.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 17, 2016
The good news is that it was probably not your fault. The good news is that the most famous and reliable cobs (MM) are super affordable. The good news is that it wasn't a beloved and/or expensive briar. Hell, assuming you didn't burn yourself, there's not a lot of bad news.
I'm still a pretty new pipe smoker. I started out with cobs, and have been really impressed with the quality and value. All of my cobs have been smoked extensively over the course of 6 months or so. They've been smoked dismally, and so hot that I couldn't hold the pipe in my hand comfortably, but I haven't had one burn out. So the odds are good that if you buy a replacement, it won't be a recurring issue.
Now, I did poke a damn hole through the bottom of one with the poker on my Czech tool. I was trying to chip at the charred piece of stem extension in the bowl and apparently my aim wasn't too good. 8O



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 12, 2012
It is indeed an original MM then... Was it from a seconds grab bag? As someone previously mentioned, the finish looks too rough even for the natural-finish Pride. I own three and none of them look like that. There was in all probability a defect in the wall of that bowl... It's not a usual occurence, but it does happen. A replacement is in order! I love my Prides!

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