The Country Gentleman is hard to beat. My yard cobs are 5th Avenue Diplomats and those things can take a beating.
Good to know...I wasn't certain if a $5 corn cob had the same endurance quality of a $30+ corn cob.
Back on 2015, the reverse calabash was $50. The price carried over to the 2018 version. When you get into artisan cobs you're talking over $100.When I first noticed that there were corn cob pipes selling for $30+, I couldn't believe that people would pay that much -- not that I'm judging! What you get for that money is generally some combination of a hardwood plug in the bowl, an acrylic stem, a more labor-intensive bowl shaping/finish, and/or a really limited run of something. A bottom-of-the-line MM will last a really long time given a little care. My first MM Legend has gone close to 25 years now.
The Country Gentleman is hard to beat. My yard cobs are 5th Avenue Diplomats and those things can take a beating.
That will be cool! Keep us posted! I definitely want to try a non filtered one!For starters, going to try the Let Freedom Ring and the Vintage BWC #11 Hickory...
I should be getting my Let Freedom RIng w/ bent amber this week...I like the Rob Roy bowl on the Let Freedom Ring, and am partial to the bent pipes as the straights don’t fit in my usual pipe pouch I keep in my lunchbox.
I did order bent Danish bits recently for my backups for my LFR and Missouri Prides.