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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Coming from cigars as you have I would recommend a tin of Escudo. I would cube cut it and use the three step loading system. After each level check the draw at the final level you should have some resistance,like sucking through a straw. It is the blend that really made me fall in love with the pipe. I know from experience that there is a large learning curve to pipes as compared to cigars. Be patient, read all you can and don't give up. Once it clicks for you a whole new world of tobacco opens up. I think the main problem with aromatics is they can be very wet and goopy and will smoke very wet if not dried for a long time. If you are set on aromatics for the wife, I would get some samples from Boswell's. They are a high quality aromatic and the wife will love the room note. Berry Cobbler, Christmas Cookie, Pennsylvania Dutch Treat and Rasberry Cream are the ones my kids love to smell.



May 25, 2012
Harris mentions Escudo -- although totally different from a cigar, I sometimes get cigar flashbacks, if you will, when I smoke Escudo. I've heard one or two other smokers say that, too, but most pipesters say that's nuts. To the OP, that's yet another of the joys of pipe smoking -- such endless variety in terms of taste and experience, even with the same tobacco.
That said, a new smoker should be forewarned that Virginias and Vapers like Escudo have to be smoked very slowly.
I know others will disagree, but some of the British flakes -- Full Virginia Flake, Best Brown Flake, Best Brown No. 2, Medium Virginia Flake, etc. are much easier to smoke as a new smoker because they don't burn as hot as the other Virginia flakes like Escudo, Union Square, etc. Most of the British/Lakeland flakes have been steamed in some way, which makes them milder. Something to consider if the OP is really interested in trying Virginias.



Can't Leave
Sep 16, 2012
+1 to everything that's already been said here.
Only thing I have to add is that some pipes, no matter what you do, just gurgle...
Also, Welcome.



Might Stick Around
Nov 18, 2012
I think all the bases were covered here but I'll go ahead and beat the dead horse:
1. aromatics will give you trouble (some of them will never dry out due to pg or whatever is added to them). I would look for a non-aro blend that the wife can stand or smoke in the garage/outside.
2. most tobacco needs to dry out and even if it doesn't I find a little time to breathe is good. You should be able to find out how long each blend needs with a little trial and error.
3. use lots of pipe cleaners before during and after, moisture is the enemy and by the way if you continue not to smoke down to the bottom of the bowl eventually your pipe will smell like a sewer. That is to say that the heat from the burning tobacco is needed at least from time to to time to dry things up a bit.



Jul 27, 2012
I had the same problem when starting out (and still do sometimes). Your smoking will evolve naturally as you continue to experiment.
You may be packing too lightly. I find a dense pack stays lit longer (of course not too tight - it will take time to get it right). And as Kris pointed out, some pipes just gurgle more than others. You may need to invest in a better pipe, maybe a Stanwell or Savinelli.



Nov 19, 2012
So, today I decided to smoke a bowl of Frog Morton, and I let it set out for about 2 hours in my dry living room. The pipe packed and smoked quite nicely and I was able to get down to the very bottom of the bowl for the first time. I had enough left over in the dish to re-pack and have another go, but this time I wasn't able to keep the bottom lit. I guess there was just too much moisture in there from the first bowl. I suspect the arros will have to set out for longer.



Oct 31, 2012
Not to drag out the advice that has already been given, but I have found that you will get 100 different answers no matter what the question. Most if not all are correct answers…….for that individual. :puffy: I to primarily smoke aros because the wife will let me smoke them in the house. I have grown to like them and really enjoy the vast varieties out there. If there is one thing I have learned about aros is to ROTATE YOUR PIPES!!! Aros are wet, that’s their nature and drying them before smoking is a must for an enjoyable smoke. I used to think that everyone that touted about pipe rotations just had to much money on hand and could afford more then I. I had the same issues in my early puffing explorations. To test the theory, I started with a few cheapos and started this "rotation ritual" as recommended and POW just like that I was noticing a major difference.
That’s my 2 cents.
PS: Warning once you get the basics down you will be on the road to an amazing tobacco tasting journey. I like aros a lot but let me tell you, once you try an English blend you will soon be in your workshop secretly enjoying a delightful and great testing smoke. :puffpipe:



Sep 14, 2011
Welcome to the forum.
Glad you had better luck when you dried out the FM. Your problem with the second bowl was probably due to the fact that the pipe was still hot. You will get many opinions on pipe rotation here, but I think everyone will agree that you need to let a briar cool thoroughly before you smoke another bowl for an optimal smoke.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 6, 2012
You already got great advice here,

I just wanted to say Welcome aboard.....




Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 13, 2011
Baltimore, MD USA
I've also tried a couple of latakia-blends but (a) I didn't like the overpowering taste and (b) the wife didn't like the room note.
There are some "crossover" type blends with latakia, which also have some aromatic tobacco added. This gives you a more pleasant room note, along with more tobacco taste than you would get from your typical aromatic. You can also try your hand at blending such a mix yourself. I had some Byzantium, which was a certified latakia bomb, that was too strong for me. I added some Captain Black Gold, which mellowed it out really nicely. I also hear good things about Sillem's Black, but I've never tried it. My local tobacconist has an English/aromatic fusion blend called Barrister which is quite good also. They accept orders by both phone and e-mail

Aug 21, 2011
W2irt: I been smokin pipes for 40 years. But I know exactly what you are referring to. I want to give you the name of two tobaccos that I smoke and I never get the gurgling . They also never bite. I order them by phone. . The two tobacs are: Old Toby and Lord Nelson. Your wife may like the aroma. But they are not sticky. tacky. My family likes the room note. Good Luck. RD

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