Coloring Progress Over Time/No of Bowls in one Meerschaum Pipe

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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Found this thread researching Cutty’s, what a worm hole I fell into ?. I do have to congratulate everyone especially @Chasing Embers for his complete dedication to the collective‘s betterment but if you see CE with a blade of any description………………….run ?????

I don’t own a Meer but maybe I need to play this colouring game too.
I wouldn't go that far. I just don't see pipes as anything more than, well, pipes.

Update after a long time ! I think the last update was around 127 bowls, this one at 183 so around 56 bowls smoked since the last update.

1. The stem is now fully colored in my opinion. I will see how it progresses further, but I am quite happy the way things are now.

2. The bowl has started picking up color, and is light cream. Hard to picture it, but tried my best. It is coloring in patches, which is I think because of the nature of the translucent block

3. The coloring of the bowl is most evident at the bottom of the bowl

4. The weight is still 52 +- 0.5 g. It had gone up to 53+- 0.5 g but a good reaming and a deep water cleaning brought it down

5. The control (Meerschaum tamper) has also picked up some color, being present in my office and exposed to some second hand smoke. I have also used it occasionally to tamp - it is no longer an effective control, but I plan to keep on using in the photos.



Can't Leave
Jan 24, 2013
It's coloring fast! Looks great, I'm trying to color mine, and have had about as many bowls through it as you, but it's barely colored :) These posts are fun

It's coloring fast! Looks great, I'm trying to color mine, and have had about as many bowls through it as you, but it's barely colored :) These posts are fun!
Stop looking. The watched meerschaum never browns.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Thanks for logging your progress photos. By comparison, my Altinay has colored very slowly. I haven't kept count but I'm sure this pipe has over 500 bowls smoked. There is some dark spots showing at the heel. Kind of disappointing but it is a very good smoking pipe so not a big deal. Not great photos, its actually showing a bit more color than what appears.




Mar 8, 2021
The Netherlands (Europe)
First of all thank you for posting this progress, interesting to see. It almost tickles my fancy to do a @didimauw smoking 1 meer the whole year. Although not as challenging as smoking 1 cheap basket pipe, let's see how much color I can get on it. It won't be much smokes, if pushing it maybe 500.

My rusticated meer also isn't coloring that much compared to how my smooth meer does, the smooth meers shank began coloring quite quick (I think now 100 smokes in or so) where my rusticated one is only coloring beige after not as many bowls where you could see more coloration on the smooth meer. But not complaining, I've smoked my Meers a few times the past week and it really worked for me, if I would smoke 1 pipe it would be a meer for sure.