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May 19, 2011
I'm new to the pipe world. Was a long time cigar smoker. Kinda got tired of paying 8 dollars per cigar when I can to get two once's of my current tobacco from my local shop. I have been looking around on the internet trying to figure out what kind of pipes are collectors. I see a lot of collections of many many different manufactures. To me it kinda seems to be more of a preference to the pipe smoker. I live in Northern michigan so I'm not going to be able to go to any collectors exhibitions or anything like that. I would like to learn so any help would be great.....Thank you ahead of time.



Can't Leave
Apr 27, 2011
Welcome. I'm also new to pipe smoking. I've been a hard core cigar smoker/collector for several years and have quite a few at home. Although I'm new to this, I'm starting my collection off with Peterson's. I only have three now, but I'l get more as the weeks go by. They have several limited editions, collections, and inexpensive models too. There's a guy on here that goes by thesandpiper, his name is Jim Lilley. He is THE AUTHORITY on Petersons. He can answer any question you might have. Hell there are several guys on here that can answer your questions. Enjoy your new hobby!



Mar 9, 2010
Collections are about as varied as collectors. Some collect a certain brand. I favor Peterson pipes. Some collect a certain style. And so on. Really there are no rules except to buy what you like,



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey

Hey ssgtusmc30, here's a photo of my favorite Petersons at the moment, a pair of Donegal Rocky 80S saddle bits. They are small with a perfectly formed bowl, and smoke sweet. For under $100 there is no better pipe!



Part of the Furniture Now
May 16, 2011
Good starter pipes worth the money: Peterson, Savinelli, Stanwell. An old Comoys or GBD if you can find em cheap.
Starter pipes that are a tad overpriced for me: Mastro de Paja and Ser Jacopo (why are they so overinflated on eBay??)
Starter pipes that really don't do anything for me: Boswell, Butz-Choquin, Brebbia (but feel free to knock yourself out if you want to explore).
Next level: an American hand-carved like Tinsky, or an English estate (Astley's?) would be a decent step up. A recent browse of eBay by price ($50-100) found some Barlings and Castellos in that range (!!) which seems like a really good deal for your next step up.
And thanks for your service to our country, SSGT



Mar 9, 2010
Adam I will agree on the Boswell pipes. I finally bought one and have to say , meh! It's a pipe, nothing all that special and not the greatest smoker I have. On the other hand I disagree on the BC pipes. I have a bunch and love 'em. Different strokes for different folks.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 16, 2011
BC - not a "bad" pipe, but I think they are a tad overpriced. If you can get one for $30-50, by all means (I see them at shows on tables sorta hidden away). They just seem so high these days. But a Boswell... I'm trying to be diplomatic because I don't believe in online ambushing of pipe carvers (especially made-in-the-USA guys who are honest and work hard at it)... let's just say they are not my thing at all, and I have seen many of their pipes and haven't found one I really liked.



Jun 2, 2010
I whole heartedly agree with Arthur. Collect what you are compelled to collect. I don't buy a pipe a month or anything. I shop and wait around till that perfect combination of aesthetic, reputation for good engineering, weight preference and price comes along and then I pounce ha ha ha. takes a while to figure out what you like and dislike and why before you start to really hone your preference. Mine seems to change every now and then. My tobacco preference is even more willy nilly.



Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
The only rules I would give for collecting is, dont be afraid to spend some money on what you want.

There is a point of diminishing return, but in general you pay for quality.

I'm assuming you already own a pipe or two, what do you own now ?

What is it that you like about that pipe?



Might Stick Around
Mar 31, 2011
I have mostly Peterson's in the rack but I have a BC Stratos that smokes just as every one says....get what appeals to you.



May 19, 2011
"LoneStar" I started out with just a cheep starter pipe that has no brand name. Then I went to a Calabrest from my local shop. I just purchased a hand carved pipe with a dragon on the out side of it. We will see how that is. I'm bidding on a Wellington on Ebay right now for 10 bucks.



Feb 1, 2010
Collect what you want. I'd recommend reading a few pipe smoking books available on amazon if for only the company background knowledge. Collections run the spectrum. Some collect Dr. Graqbows while others won't touch anything that isn't Danish and over $1000. Last year at the Chicago show, there was a cased collection of Peterson Mark Twain pipes, all firsts, all gold banded. There was like 40 of what were essentially the exact same pipe! And it was gorgeous! I couldn't imagine it as my own but it was really cool. Some people buy a little of everything. I'm pretty narrow in my collection. I buy only straight billiards, dublins and apples (with a rare exception.) I love it but I would imagine it bore the crap out of many! Collect what you like.



Might Stick Around
May 16, 2011
I seriously don't like the name of this post.. It keeps reminding me of debt collectors.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2010
My 2cents,welcome to the wonderful world of pipes.

If as you say, you are new to pipes, I am amazed to hear you talk of collecting and collections at such an early stage.

Please do not take this the wrong way,it is meant as helpful advice, not criticism. I would advise that you serve your 'apprenticeship' with a variety of pipe brands before considering narrowing your focus to specific brands.

As mentioned previously by the guys in the above posts,there are several reccomended manufacturers with which to

gain experience.You need that basic experience before you can savour and enjoy the maximum potential from a good cross section

of brands.

Good luck with your search,enjoy the experience.

Kindest regards




Mar 27, 2010
It’s not often I find myself disagreeing with Arthur, but this time I must. I currently own 2 Boswell pipes that I really enjoy and I hope to add a couple more to the rotation in the future. It’s all about what appeals to you and in my case here lately I seem to prefer chunky rusticated briar pipes such as those often made by Boswell and Jake Hackert.
LOL… I consider them to be the Charles Bronson’s of the pipe world or as my mother use to say the ruggedly handsome.
BTW… I also own one Ser Jacopo that I purchased from a member on this and I find it to be an outstanding smoker.
Oh well… You know if we all liked the same pipes and tobacco this would all be pretty boring and we wouldn't need forums such as this one… :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 25, 2011
Canterbury, England
Genuinely, it's utterly up to you :P Petersons are very good starters, and range from low to very high prices - they do alot of inlaid silver at the high end. Other than that, it's really up to you. I'd suggest finding a few low budget pipes with a range of styles, sizes and even systems, finding your particular favourite from those catergories and then explore the higher end possibilities.



May 19, 2011
Thanks for all the info. "Jim" I guess collections was not the right word. It was more about trying to find the Nikey, Rebock of pipes, instead of the wal-mart brand pipes. I have smoked cigars for years and truly enjoying sitting out on the lawn smoking my pipe or cigar watch the world pass by at a slow pace. I was in the Marines for ten years 95 to 05 and I'm able to learn a lot about people just by watching them. I'm def a people watcher and I think pipes fit right in on that hobby lol.

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