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Might Stick Around
Jan 5, 2011
I just collect what I like and what looks good to me. You really wont know what style or sytem you'll like until you taken a few shots in the dark. And higher price never means a better smoke. Some of my favorites are the ones I paid under 50 bucks for. It just comes down to your preference. Some people collect classic cars, some collect imports. It's just a matter of finding what you like.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 24, 2010
Hello, ssgtusmc30

Great to have you, and welcome!!!
A couple of things that I've learned the hard way:

1. Start with a good estate pipe from a trusted source.

New Petes and Stanwells and Savinelli's sure look good (and cost more new) but they can take FOREVER to get broken in and start smoking sweet, in my experience. But most of my estates, from these brands and others, smoked great from the first or second bowl.

A well-broken in estate pipe that's been cleaned and sanitized will serve you well. You'll save money, and if you don't like it, chances are you can sell it on eBay for about what you bought it for.
2. You will have to experiment A LOT to find out what you like, especially when you factor in all the different options of tobaccos. What will happen is that sometime (hopefully soon), you'll have that "magical smoke." And who knows what factors contributed? The pipe shape, the pipe wood, the tobacco, the temperature, the company you kept, what you had for dinner, the room or atmosphere you're in......who knows? But you will spend many other smoking sessions trying to replicate that smoke. Much of the time you'll just be left with the memory. But that's part of the fun.
Size alone can be daunting: Some people collect GIANT pipes and some collect well-made tiny pipes. Part of this is an unexplained attraction, but part is also figuring out where you can smoke and what you'll be doing when you do. For instance, will you be driving or sitting in your favorite chair reading. Very different pipes are required!
3. Don't believe the hype. This applies to both tobacco and to pipes. From hanging out on the boards here and checking out other sites, you'll start to see what the flavors of the month (in the pipe-smoking community, it's more like flavor of the year-we move slower) are and you'll be tempted to follow the herd like one of my Jr. High kids because that's what people do-especially when they're new to something. THIS IS PERFECTLY NORMAL. However, don't be afraid to admit it to yourself when something just isn't for you--even if everyone else and their dog says it's the greatest thing ever. I've tried a dozen different times to get into Dunhill 965, and I don't enjoy it at all. I do love me some Nightcap though and even (GASP) the occasional quality aromatic. You've only got so many days and so many pipes and so many bowls on this earth. Don't waste them. And for God's sake, don't sell a good-smoking pipe just because it isn't as pretty or hyped as another. At the very least, give it to a good friend.



Can't Leave
Jan 27, 2011
Welcome to the pipe world. Beginning to smoke a pipe is very confusing since first the selection of what pipe, what tobacco, how to keep the pipe lit and the tobacco fresh. Do your self a favor and visit a reputable pipe shop and get this advice.
As to what pipe to buy to begin your "collection" it depends on the amount of money that you want to spend, (e.g., less than $100, Less than $200 or over $200). Most members like Petersons that you can buy new for as low as $50 or as high as around $300. Savanelli's also run the gamut like Petersons. If you want to step up, which I wouldn't do for a first or even a second pipe Castello's or great but expensive.
So, try to find a reputable tobaccanist, look at Petersons or Savinellis on and if you want to step up look at Castello's, Ser Jacabo's or or Becker's.
Good luck,



Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
Everybodys given good advice here.

To give you some specific advice to work with, I'd step up from anonymous cheap pipes, to at least 1 or 2 mid level factory made name brand pipes. Wellington made some good pipes.

I'd recommend searching for lighly smoked Stanwell, Gbd and Nording pipes on Ebay.

Of course theres hundreds of great name brands (everybody has their favorite) but these three make consistant high quality pipes that are really affordable new, and you can find steals on them when used.

Not all of them will sell low, but if you watch enough you can easily pick up a shape you like for around $45.

If you have a lot of patience, and focus on auctions that end at weird hours (weekdays during work hours, or middle of the night) you can pick up a lot of GBD and Nording pipes for around $20-$30, but you will probably lose A LOT of auctions before you win some that cheap.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I started out with just a $35 housemade churchwarden I got from a local B&M. Then picked up a $30 freehand housemade and a $30 billiard housemade. From there I stepped up to a Brindisi which my mom gave me for a Christmas present one year. Then I moved up to a Butz-Choquin Daccord for around $65 and a Peterson Aran B5 for about $75. My latest acquistions have been two more Peterson Arans (268 and 05). The Aran series of Peterson pipes is an affordable entry level pipe that smokes pretty good. They're usually spotted at online retailers for around $60. After having tried Brindisi, Butz-Choquin and Peterson I've decided to stick more to Petersons, though the Savinelli Caramella has struck my eye and will be picked up for sure eventually. It's more what's appealing to you. I love the zulu shape of the 920 in the Caramella and the grain and stain on it is wonderful. I plan to mostly collect Peterson's, p-lip's mostly, because I love the three I already have. But if another pipe from a different manufacturer strikes my eye I definitely won't pass it up. It'll take some time to get the feel for different makers and different shapes. My advice is get some estates on eBay from different makers and in different shapes. It's a more affordable way to find out what shapes you like by quality makers such as Peterson, Savinelli, Butz-Choquin, Boswell, Stanwell etc. Mostly, just have fun with it and collect whatever appeals to you. Don't worry about the pipes being a certain name or shape. As long as you like the appearance and it's a good smoker that's all that matters.



Jan 1, 2011
The Interwebs
Great advice from all, particularly mattia's. Keep in mind, staff sergeant, that you are now exposed to the delightfully dreadful affliction known as "PAD", or Pipe Acquisition Disorder. What began as a nonchalant search for a couple of entry-level pipes will soon become a wallet-burning odyssey when "THE ONE" catches your will employ guerrilla tactics on eBay to get one, search every corner of the InterWebs, attend pipe clubs and regional shows, search garage sales and classified ads until your eyes are rheumy and your fingers black from soot...when finally you acquire "THE ONE", you will have a brief and torrid affair, smoking through every blend in your cellar to find the perfect combination of tobacco and chamber...and then, without warning, "ANOTHER ONE" will catch your eye...

...And you'll love every minute of it! Enjoy the journey, and welcome to the brotherhood :puffpipe:



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
I am a simple man and collect Amphora and GBD pipes , or at least that is what I have the most of . There are more expensive pipes but I doubt they smoke any better than two pipes in my modest line up . I have a Amphora and one GBD that when lit smoke comes out of both ends with out help . They are my best smokers , not my best pipes . It is nice to build sets even if they are cobs . Enjoy what you have and can afford and spend your money on tobacco .

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