I’ve posted this pic a couple times tonight. But I’ve got a question for you.
I have 3 cobs now. And each of the other two smoked/tasted great the very first time. Like how I expect a con to be.
Well, this new MM Elf Cobbit tastes like a pipe that needs breaking in.
Anyone else ever experienced this with a cob before? First time for me. Thought the cobs were supposed to be good to go from the get go.
I have 3 cobs now. And each of the other two smoked/tasted great the very first time. Like how I expect a con to be.
Well, this new MM Elf Cobbit tastes like a pipe that needs breaking in.
Anyone else ever experienced this with a cob before? First time for me. Thought the cobs were supposed to be good to go from the get go.