Here are some of my corn cob pipe attributes that make smoking cobs enjoyable for me, a smaller bowl size like the Legend cob is perfect for that 20-30 minute smoke, I'd rather have shorter smokes more often than those hour+ long drawn out smokes. Another plus for me is the amber stem, it's comfortable and easy to clench, especially if you're a denture wearer and the light weight of the pipe is icing on the cake when it comes to clenching for long periods of time. I also like the fact that cobs are easy to clean and require very little maintenence after a smoke, And when minor problems arise like cracks in the bowl or a loose shank all it takes is a little Elmer's Glue and your up and running again, no sending it out for repair. I could good on and on but these are the biggies for me. One more thing, as already mentioned, cobs are one of the best values in pipe smoking and you get a lot of bang for the buck.