Hey guys
I've used water for years now. I use it to clean estate pipe bowl chambers. Not the shank.
First, I'll ream the bowl. If the cake comes out easily, I'll go right to the "bath".
Stem is removed. Go to the sink, run hot water.
Use one hand to hold bowl upside down, then, with my other hand, take smallest finger and get it wet, put it into the bowl and rotate once or twice, repeat as needed until the my finger doesn't come out all brown any longer. Swap out with paper towel. Then, I'll turn to alcohol and swab the bowl interior with pipe cleaners.
I've never dipped a whole pipe into water and let it stay under---that looks really bad for the wood and it's color stain.
With my way, the bowl exterior is not really touched by the water at all. I've cleaned many many estate pipes this way and it gets them clean and sweet smoking every time. I use alcohol for cleaning the stem airways, not water, ever.