"Clean and Ready To Smoke" Rant and Warning

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Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
Another vote for avoiding "Shinypipes". His arrogant and utterly ridiculous "policy rant" that he plasters on every auction was enough for me to say "no thanks" to any of his pipes.
Essentially his rant is: "If you keep the pipe, regardless of problems, you must give me 5 stars and positive feedback. If you have a problem or problems and send it back for a refund, you must still give me 5 stars and positive feedback. If you don't leave me a 5 star rating and positive feedback you're a whiny crybaby. Why? Because this is how I feed my family!



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I totally agree that transparency is a must so we can protect each other. If anyone has a bad experience with an Ebay seller, let us know, you will be doing everyone a great service.
roth, I am with you in regards to buying pipes from established on line dealers like Dave and Mike. I appreciate the time and effort they put into cleaning their pipes and they way they represent them. I have never restored a pipe and do not have the tools to do so. I still love to bargain hunt on ebay but only with sellers whose reps are good.
Captain, I understand you about Peace Angle but I will say one thing about her in her defense. I bought a Lane Era Charatan back in June for 37.00. It was listed as ready to smoke and it was filthy. After I cleaned it the stem was totally loose so I contacted her and she told me that she would refund my money and to keep the pipe for my troubles. I would not buy from her again because she doesn't know what a clean pipe is, but she did do the right thing. It just so happens that I did get the pipe fixed and then let my son use it until he bit through the vulcanite stem. I brought it to my local b/m to replace the stem. Needless to say my son only gets to smoke acrylic stems for the time being.



Jun 28, 2011
Thanks for the heads-up on shineypipes. I've been searching ebay for the last week and have seen some of his pipes. I will not be buying from him now. Thanks again fellers.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 12, 2012
Oh I bought one pipe from peaceangel and when I got the package I saw that she tossed the pipe in a plastic bag and the bag into an envelope for the overseas delivery. Stem was also in the shank; still can't believe it came in one piece.



Dec 8, 2010
numbersix, I did not give the seller in question a bad review - in fact I gave them full marks because I had ordered three pipes and the other two were clean and in good shape considering that they were fairly low end pipes. Unfortunately, however, in my haste I did not inspect the third one until after giving my feedback. Rookie mistake.
Anyway, it is very possible that they forgot to clean the pipe in question. It just isn't a great excuse when their business/hobby/pastime is pipe restoration. The exterior was polished up, as well, so that was another reason why I took for granted that it would have been cleaned as well as the others - some attention had evidently been paid to the pipe.
I would do business with them again, but they would not be my first choice.
I would also like to say thanks for the info on shinypipes. That egregious example of a bad Photoshop coverup is all I need to never ever deal with them.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
cleidophoros, I forgot to mention another reason I won't buy from her is the way she packs a pipe for shipping, mine also came in totally unprotected.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I'm particular on how my pipes are cleaned and I'm always prepared to do a ream & soak. I had a weird experience with peaceangel. Her pipe description was 100% accurate (the pipe was described and accurately photographed showing the chipped button). But, the ad said she could repair the pipe for $15 if desired. When I inquired about that, she said to contact Walker Briarworks who does all of her repairs. Now I knew Walker couldn't make a new stem for $15 and when I contacted him he had never heard of her and certainly couldn't replace the stem for $15. When I brought this to her attention, she did offer to give me a refund. I won't use her again as she lied to me about Walker doing her work.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 17, 2012
Suncoast Florida by the Beach
I'd like to know why sellers wait to give feedback until after they have received theirs. Honest buyers who pay in full immediately should always get the highest rating. Seems like a very flawed system. I have had poor sellers refuse to give me feedback when I have paid immediately after the auction, because I called them on pipes that were clearly misrepresented. I don't buy on the bag any longer - prefer to deal with reputable dealers directly outside of that auction site.




Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 5, 2011
"Clean and ready to smoke" are relative terms and marketing jargon. No matter what the description says, no matter who the seller is, I always run a 'reconnaissance' pipe cleaner through the stem and shank. It's not about trusting the seller so much as it's peace of mind. I go into buying on eBay with the attitude that I'll, most likely, have to restore the pipe. So, if it shows up filthy I'm prepared.



Feb 11, 2012
Some time ago I bought a 1953 Dunhill from shineypipes. It turned out that the stem was not original, although it had been advertised as such.
Didn't really matter to me as I am not a collector, more of an accumulator...but the fact that someone would stoop to false advertising influenced my judgement as to whether I would buy anything from him again.
I stick to the known, reputable dealers - smokingpipes.com, cupojoes, martypulvers and avoid ebay like the cesspool it has become.



Mar 17, 2013
I personally own over 100 pipes purchased from shinypipes and have no complaints. I have recommended her and my friends have been very satisfied as well. Just because someone has had a few misses it's not enough to drag someones good name through the mud with no regard. The pipe world is for gentlemen and you fellows are far from that. I've had the opportunity to compare restoration work from many of the sellers you call " the best" and I'm sorry to say that those " best sellers" do shoddy work a lot of the time but because you fellows blow them up out of proportion you make new pipe smokers doubt who to purchase from. That's plain stupidity.
You say - SHINYPIPES avoid at all costs. Overpriced and rigs some of his auctions.

I say BALONEY because his store has 95% at a buy now and none of his auctions start at .99 so where's the rig ??
cigrmaster You say - I am banned from his auctions because I pointed out to him that his pipes were filthy ??

I say BULLSH...T you were probably blocked because you were rude and disrespectful. Give me your ebay user so I can block you as well from my auctions. No ebay seller is willing to lose business because of a simple comment. It's got to be something mayor so tell it like it is.
Shinypipes says you guys are "bullies and mama's boys" And he is 100% CORRECT. You are a bunch of bullies and mama's boys or what, don't tell me you've never broken a stem in a shank because you didn't like the pipe and can't figure out what to make up just to get your money back from the seller. Or you've lied about not receiving an expensive pipe telling the buyer it says delivered but you never got it. Come on Man up to the truth.
If I had a dollar for every bullsh...t excuse and lie pipe buyers have made up I would be a millionaire.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Hey Robert did not the green beer agree with you , did some big young Irish stud squire your Jessebel away, Simmer down man, Simmer down man, now go F#%^ Off. The old cajun :crazy:

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
I'm skeptical about any buyer I've not bought from, because no matter what they say you never know until you receive the item. Thankfully, the buyer's I've bought from have all been fairly accurate with their descriptions.
One thing I don't appreciate is when a buyer demands positive feedback. Its one thing to ask the person to hold off on feedback until the seller has a chance to make things right if a sale does go bad, but to ask for 5 stars or positive feedback no matter the result is unethical. These buyers that cry that this is the way they make a living; well, run an honest business and you won't have to worry about feedback. If you describe your auctions accurately and treat your buyers with the respect they deserve then the positive feedback will come.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
I say BULLSH...T you were probably blocked because you were rude and disrespectful. Give me your ebay user so I can block you as well from my auctions. No ebay seller is willing to lose business because of a simple comment. It's got to be something mayor so tell it like it is.
How about you give us YOUR eBay name?
You talk about gentleman pipe smokers who are neither rude nor disrespectful. Well, sir, by your own definition, you're out of the gentlemen's club. Oh irony!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 21, 2012
I agree 100% with metalheadycigarguy, demanding perfect feedback for imperfect products is just plain wrong. To be honest, a few years back, when I started buying estate pipes on ebay, I laughed so hard when reading shinypipes whole feedback rant on his auction, I nearly spilled my drink. I closed the tab and NEVER even looked at his auctions again.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
I personally own over 100 pipes purchased from shinypipes and have no complaints. I have recommended her and my friends have been very satisfied as well. Just because someone has had a few misses it's not enough to drag someones good name through the mud with no regard. The pipe world is for gentlemen and you fellows are far from that. I've had the opportunity to compare restoration work from many of the sellers you call " the best" and I'm sorry to say that those " best sellers" do shoddy work a lot of the time but because you fellows blow them up out of proportion you make new pipe smokers doubt who to purchase from. That's plain stupidity.
You say - SHINYPIPES avoid at all costs. Overpriced and rigs some of his auctions.

I say BALONEY because his store has 95% at a buy now and none of his auctions start at .99 so where's the rig ??
cigrmaster You say - I am banned from his auctions because I pointed out to him that his pipes were filthy ??

I say BULLSH...T you were probably blocked because you were rude and disrespectful. Give me your ebay user so I can block you as well from my auctions. No ebay seller is willing to lose business because of a simple comment. It's got to be something mayor so tell it like it is.
Shinypipes says you guys are "bullies and mama's boys" And he is 100% CORRECT. You are a bunch of bullies and mama's boys or what, don't tell me you've never broken a stem in a shank because you didn't like the pipe and can't figure out what to make up just to get your money back from the seller. Or you've lied about not receiving an expensive pipe telling the buyer it says delivered but you never got it. Come on Man up to the truth.
If I had a dollar for every bullsh...t excuse and lie pipe buyers have made up I would be a millionaire.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 21, 2012
@juvat270... That sum it up pretty well :clap:
@robertmurdoch... If you think so poorly of pipe buyers... you are in the wrong business.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
@mikephillips; I agree with you about your last statement.
I recently put up for auction a few older pipes of mine that I don't use anymore. I debated for about 3 weeks whether or not I should use ebay or not. I finally decided to go ahead and do it. We'll see how this turns out. I'm still not sure if it was a wise decision on my part.

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