I went into a Taco Bell a few years ago that had replaced the counter person with a giant touch screen and an ATM terminal, so that you placed your own order and paid with either a debit card or cash. Then your food was slid through a slot. I hated it, and apparently so did most, as it switched back after a few moths of no one going there.
Back when I was a single, I would go to places like Taco Bell or WalMart just to have some interaction with people. And, I'm fairly sure these dumb ideas are from some manager suggesting that the job would be so much cooler if they didn't have to talk to the customers.
Doing business is about people. As much as online retail is killing B&M businesses, we seem to still need these interactive outlets in our society. But, it's a Catch 22. The more we buy online, the more we kill our social outlets. To save a buck, we kill our main streets, our interactions, our social skills.
In one more generation, we will be devoid of our socials skills and rely on handheld devices for everything ...just as the maniacal masterminds have planned, muah ha ha.