Chili's new touch screen devices For or Against?

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Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
Below is the message that I sent to Chilis. What are y'all's thoughts? Do y'all agree with my opinion about these devices, disagree, or think I am making to big a deal out of it? Just curious what other peoples thoughts are.
I love yall’s food and the family atmosphere. I take myself and my family to Chili’s all the time, however something has come up that may stop that. I am not happy with the new touch screen device that yall have the tables. I would not care if I was not forced to use it, however the waiters will only go and run my card if I make a big fuss and scene about not using the device. These devices are filthy and covered in finger prints and germs. It is a really good way to get pink eye or something worse. I mean think about it; all day long people eat sticking their fingers in their mouths and then afterwards go and use your touch screen putting their saliva, food particles and germs all over the screen and then you ask me to use it. It is disgusting. Also you have games on it so the parents let the little kids use it so that the kids will behave so that they can eat in peace, which I completely understand having kids myself, however the kids are even worse. They pick their nose slobber all over their hands and we all know kids are covered in germs from school or daycare and then they are putting all this on the screen and you are asking me to touch that screen. I have the waiter insisting that I touch this screen that I can obviously see a thick layer of grease and various finger prints on and it is disgusting and don’t tell me that they are cleaned because they are not. I watched several waiters’ clear tables and not one of them cleaned those screens and even if yall make that a policy it will be the first thing that a waiter starts to ignore in the cleanup of the table. Also it is not my job to learn your system and run my bill through your system. If I wanted that service then I would go to a fast food joint. It does not free up your waiter’s time and make them more efficient. They serve the food at the same pace that they always did. It does not bother me if you have these devices on the table it bothers me that the waiters will only let me pay my bill using it and insist that they are not going to handle it themselves. If it was optional to use this device then I would not be writing this letter. In closing these devices are disgusting and covered in germs, it is not my job to learn your system and handle the logistics of paying the bill(your food steal cost the same you are not sending me a paycheck), and if the next time I go into chili’s I am forced to use this device then I will not be coming back. On a final point I am not the only one that feels this way. Everybody I have talked to feels the same way on both points, it is disgusting and it is not our job. I ask you to please not push away your loyal customers because yall insist on forcing this device.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 29, 2014
Indianapolis IN
I haven't been to a Chilis in quite some time, so I haven't yet experienced this new "checkout" method. So am I understanding that they have tablets at each table for entertainment/pay? I completely agree with the sanitary concerns listed in your email, though I'm not an expert when it comes to germs nor a "germaphobe", I would have reservations in handling the device that you described. It will be interesting to hear the response that they provide.



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
I recently went to Applebees.They have these things set up at the tables.I was told that I could use it or not use it.I chose not to.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
Yes it is a tablet on a stand at the table for ordering paying the bill and playing games. I guess they told the waiters to encourage the use of it cause they insist that you use it to pay the bill. My wife agrees with my opinion but she thinks I am crazy for sending this message.



Jul 13, 2011
It is the way things are going. I was at Hardee's this week and they had the same thing at the counter, a touch screen for ordering. They had a sign up, "use the touch screen get 10% off your order".



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 14, 2014
Boise, ID
I hate this kind of crap. It's like the "check yourself out" line at the grocery store. And I look at it as less jobs available for people that need them. Is it one company's responsibility to provide jobs for people when they could use automation/self checkout to save money and make profit? Maybe not, but it is also my personal responsibility to not spend my money at places like that.
I go to Lowes/Home Depot all the time since they are very close to my house and I am always "fixing" something. I also try to use the regular checkout lanes at stores rather than the "check yourself" lanes. Well one time I'm waiting in line and there are open spots to check yourself out. The employee that just stands there and watches everyone check themselves out says to me "you know there's no wait here if you want to check yourself out". I told her that I don't mind waiting. She proceeds to question as to why I would want to wait and get pissy with me because... well... I don't know why. I finally told her I preferred to wait in line for the actual person because I wanted THEM to have THEIR job.
Everyone's in such a damn hurry these days. Slow the frick down and support businesses that help PROVIDE jobs to other Americans.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
I don't understand why that is better. It does not save the waiters that much time it just means that they do not have to have the same amount of face time. Anyways it seems like it would cheaper, more efficient, and more sanitary to just give the waiters the touch screens to carry around and enter orders will taking them or pay the bill right there at the table.



Mar 3, 2014
Kennesaw, GA
This is more of a security measure with credit card information. I know in the UK servers are not allowed to leave the patrons table with their credit card(s). There's a machine that's brought to the table, where the card is run in front of the owner of the card. The credit card is always within the customer's control.
Chili's/Applebee's isn't doing this to make you sick or put someone out of a job, they're doing this to help secure your sensitive information. I think they went a step further and put devices in all the tables which I think is a bit extreme, but they're trying to incorporate a more accurate ordering system, and perhaps something for the kids to do to entice more customers. Now, the questions around how often these devices are cleaned, that's another matter, and shouldn't be overlooked by those establishments.
I always take it upon myself to wipe down anything I come in contact with in public. I know grocery stores provide alcohol wipes for shopping carts and such. When I'm with my kids, I always have some kind of cleaner or wipe handy.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
I'm drawing the line on self-checkout devices. I don't order food from Sheets (a regional gas and food company) for the same reason. And I refuse to screw around with self checkout at Walmart or my local grocery store. And I haven't been to Chili's since they rolled out the table devices.
Some ethical-less MBA is sitting on her ass figuring out how to keep leaching the same amount of money from the consumer's wallet for less service and/or product, with the ultimate goal of cutting jobs from those who can least afford to lose them. They couldn't figure out a way to export the check-out clerk's job overseas, so wait - wait for it -- they get us to do the clerks job for the company and they don't have to pay anyone! Its a stroke of evil freeaking genius.
I've been an entrepreneur for half my working like and can't decide which is more corrupt - the government, which spends all it's time trying to figure out how to extort more money from the workers and re-distribute to cronies, or the capitalists who think there should be no constraints by government on their quest for profits - but are quite happy to use government policies to provide protection for their own rackets, or collect interest that used to be considered usury, or pay themselves hundreds of times what CEO's used to be paid, while effectively freezing wages for the middle class and poor working class for decades. (Reminder: Your parents and or grandparents could buy homes with high school diplomas on blue collar wages; now 30% of our children with college diploma's can't afford to leave home.)
It may be the way of the future but it leads to an inhumane distopia where most humans live without jobs or dignity, ala RoboCop. The have-nots are not going to put up with unequal distribution of even basic resources for-ever. And the writer has voted Republican since Reagan, so I'm no flaming liberal.



Dec 11, 2012
Honestly, I'm enough of a misanthrope that I kind of like the option to check myself out at some stores - gas stations, especially. If they're used as an option, I don't really object, though I know perfectly well it's a method for reducing personnel costs (used to work for a bank that rolled out lots of ATMs and started cutting back on tellers...).
Haven't been to a Chili's in nearly a decade (and it's been almost that long since I've been to an Applebee's), but I remember Arby's experimenting with self-ordering screens a few years ago. Oddly enough, the Arby's that was running the tests has since gone under. I'm guessing that the issue of cleanliness in a food service environment may be a contributing factor, as the OP's opinion makes clear.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
We'll I am glad to hear I am not the only one who has this reaction. Maybe there is still hope for a resistant against the machine uprise. Maybe there is a John Connor out there somewhere.



Mar 3, 2014
Kennesaw, GA
In addition to my earlier post. I have no problem utilizing the self checkout lanes, when I have a insignificant amount of items to purchase. Saves me time in not having to wait in the checkout lines. On the other side of that coin, I don't like being forced to use it. I've been to Home Depot on occasion when I had a fair number of items and the only live cashier was at least 6 deep with customers.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
Yes agreed I'll go into walmart and there will be one cashier but 8 self checkouts. This does not leave much of an option. However I have not been into Walmart for a long time due to the way they run there business. I ussally go to HEB



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 5, 2013
I agree with you a 100% it is nasty. In Chili's defense though they probably thought it would go over good because 98% of the idiots I see are either fat fingering a cell phone or have something electronic device stuck to the head. I went to a bowling alley and I was amazed at how many goofs tried to bowl with one hand holding a cell phone to their ear.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 2, 2011
I'm with you on the stupid touch screen things at Chili's. The wife and daughter like Chili's but, I try to stay out of the big corp. restaurants. I prefer something that's locally owned. It may make no difference in the end but my thinking is it keeps the jobs and profits in the local area.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
derfargin, I've walked out and left purchases behind when they don't have live checkout clerks. It isn't an accident. They cut back on service deliberately to force you to use the self-help scanners to avoid the lines they cause. Another reason I hate the system is because I can't stand being so obviously handled. I will take the time to get the store manager and tell them why I'm leaving my almost purchased products in the shopping basket.
Service and selection at most B&M's have gone to pot and inventory is often sparse. My closest pipe/cigar B&M at work, Cigar World in Tyson's Corner, Va, employees a very pleasant, attractive young lady, who doesn't even smoke. Jimminy... At least, she is polite and tries.
MBA whoremongers at big retails, starting with Sears, years ago cut full-time workers to part-time, so as to cut both hourly wages and to avoid paying any benefit. These were often career employees, who knew the product lines and were loyal to the company and took pride in their occupations. Now retailers look at staff as being disposable and easily exchangeable. So, they get what they created. Is it any wonder that you get such rude, ignorant service from workers, who often steal (no excuse) because they know they are being exploited?
The self-checkout gadgets are just another part of the profit over workers (and customer) mentality.
Really, at heart, most stock holders and CEO's believe we should really just send them a check and spare them the irritating inconvenience of having to, in exchange, provide services and products.
But I'm a hypocrite. I do most of my shopping online, e.g., Amazon, SmokingPipes, etc to avoid the crappy experience with retailers. I'm helping to destroy the B&M's BUT they were the one's who made themselves vulnerable.
I don't see things improving much until the consumer realizes that saving a penny isn't always the most important thing in making a purchase decision.
In fact, I'm not sure I have any answers. I'm just venting and yelling that "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." Of course, it didn't end well for Beal, the character on network who made the diatribe famous.
PS. I just completed a contact form at Chili's and told them I will not dine there with the nasty table top germ carriers.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
He'll Yes brass " Were not going to take it NO We're not going to take it NO We're not going to take it anymore!"
If you do not know the above song your obviously to young to be smoking a pipe :)



Jun 4, 2014
United States
derfargin, I've walked out and left purchases behind when they don't have live checkout clerks. It isn't an accident. They cut back on service deliberately to force you to use the self-help scanners to avoid the lines they cause. Another reason I hate the system is because I can't stand being so obviously handled. I will take the time to get the store manager and tell them why I'm leaving my almost purchased products in the shopping basket.
Service and selection at most B&M's have gone to pot and inventory is often sparse. My closest pipe/cigar B&M at work, Cigar World in Tyson's Corner, Va, employees a very pleasant, attractive young lady, who doesn't even smoke. Jimminy... At least, she is polite and tries.
MBA whoremongers at big retails, starting with Sears, years ago cut full-time workers to part-time, so as to cut both hourly wages and to avoid paying any benefit. These were often career employees, who knew the product lines and were loyal to the company and took pride in their occupations. Now retailers look at staff as being disposable and easily exchangeable. So, they get what they created. Is it any wonder that you get such rude, ignorant service from workers, who often steal (no excuse) because they know they are being exploited?
The self-checkout gadgets are just another part of the profit over workers (and customer) mentality.
Really, at heart, most stock holders and CEO's believe we should really just send them a check and spare them the irritating inconvenience of having to, in exchange, provide services and products.
But I'm a hypocrite. I do most of my shopping online, e.g., Amazon, SmokingPipes, etc to avoid the crappy experience with retailers. I'm helping to destroy the B&M's BUT they were the one's who made themselves vulnerable.
I don't see things improving much until the consumer realizes that saving a penny isn't always the most important thing in making a purchase decision.
In fact, I'm not sure I have any answers. I'm just venting and yelling that "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." Of course, it didn't end well for Beal, the character on network who made the diatribe famous.



Oct 15, 2013
Having touchscreens at a dining table is a bad idea for all the reasons the OP states. I could be a little more for it if a newly sanitized tablet is brought to the table just for ordering and then after the meal for paying. Leaving it at the table for everyone to get their greasy fingers on is just wrong.
BTW, I often wonder who's been handling those lamenated menus that are brought to the table. Have those been cleaned on a regular basis?
I wouldn't mind a voice activated system for ordering if that could be a working reality. In noisy restaurant environments I doubt that could be made a realty.
Don't blame businesses for trying to use automation more. Profit margins are very thin these days, especially in the food business. Very few people would be able to pay the prices needed to support the kind of service staff there used to be in the old days. I rarely eat out myself just because it's too expensive now.

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