With great regret we announce the cancellation of the 2021 Chicago Pipe Show due to the Covid 19 restrictions now issued in place. On Friday March 19, 2021, the Illinois Governor issued a statement regarding the full opening of Illinois meeting places. The predicted timeline is such that we would not know if we could hold a show until some date in July. The financial commitments that the CPPC, show vendors and pipe collectors would have to make in the next few months is a risk that we cannot take. As if that were not enough to cancel the 2021 Show, on Sunday March 20, 2021, the Olympics cancelled all 600,000 tickets held by persons not living in Japan over concerns about foreign travel and restrictions. As an international show we cannot host a show without our worldwide vendors and pipe collectors. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that it was not feasible to hold our show in 2021.
Craig Cobine, Show Director, Show
Craig Cobine, Show Director, Show