Chewing tobacco initially was just pipe tobacco that guys used to chew on. I've tried several twists that were blended for dual use, like Cotton Boll Twist. But, I wouldn't think that tobacco blended for just chewing would be very good. I especially would avoid wintergreen. But, try it, and let us know. Be sure to post pictures of your expressions at the taste, ha ha.
Never tried that. When I was younger I chewed Day's Work, Brown Mule, Beechnut, Red Man, and I was downright addicted to Copenhagen. All that stuff, except the snuff, has too much sugar to smoke in a pipe I think.
Actually, now that the OP discusses chewing tobacco, I realize that I have never tried chewing a twist or rope. I'm not sure, either, that I would like to try.
It's actually really nice, you just cut off a piece, about the size of a lozenge maybe, not even, like a smartie, pop it in between your lip wherever it's comfortable and just kind of let it sit there. For me at least I find you don't actually chew it, I find just letting it sit there it releases slowly enough where you can swallow the juice, which actually is not unpleasant at all. It is kind of unpleasant if you chomp into it and you get a huge dose of juice and it turns into a mess. After awhile it becomes really soft and kind of breaks down into a wad, I find a piece lasts me a good hour or two, and I can do it at work where there's no smoking and nobody knows. It's also much nicer than dip which I finds really makes your lip sore, as there's some kind of stuff they put into dip to irritate your gums to enhance nicotine absorption. I really enjoy it and recommend to give it a go if you have rope or twist laying around.
Mammoth cave is a twist that is dry enough to smoke in a pipe. I never tried it that way, but I did chew it some.
If its you first chew I expect it might also be your last. Its something you need to work up to.
I chewed for eight years, red man or beech nut was my preferred. One of them had a plug you could
chew, I liked it but is was hard to find. But it would have been WAY to moist to try and smoke.
I've tried smoking (and chewing) Good Money twist. Smoking it has a flavor similar to PA for me, albeit quite a bit stouter, with a bit if sweetness from the molasses. Chewing it actually has more of a tobacco flavor. I don't really taste the molasses much. As far as chewing tobacco goes Good Money is dryer than any plug or loose leaf I've tried, so it doesn't take as long to dry for smoking. I have wondered if something like Levi Garrett or Beech Nut could be used in a hookah, but I have never tried that.