I picked up my first pipe 24 years ago and, like most others, started with an aromatic blend. For many years, I only smoked cherry cavendish beginning with Borkum Riff as I was living in Sweden in the town where their tobacco was processed. You could smell the various flavors in the air from the factory as they topped it with cherry, whiskey, etc. I was 16 at the time and largely associated pipe smoking with the aromatic aroma that was common among older pipe smokers who were probably all puffing on Captain Black or something.
About 11 years ago I decided to get serious about this hobby and devote myself to exploring different types of tobacco (not to mention accruing more pipes, of course). I quickly fell in love with Virginia blends and English blends, and over time had a growing appreciation for Burley. My favorite blends thus far have been Dunhill Flake, Sir John's Flake, Klondike Flake, Old Dark Fired, McClelland's Classic Samsun and Frog Morton Cellar, Mac Baren's Roll Cake, and a couple of codger blends, Edgeworth Ready Rubbed and Chatham Manor.
And yet I find myself being drawn more and more to aromatics as I get older. The purist in me doesn't want to admit that I am preferring more and more tobaccos that are topped with various flavors. I've never been totally adverse to aros, but it was always more of a guilty pleasure. Not so anymore. There's something about the sweet flavors, the warm and comforting aroma, and the comments of others that tell me that they, too, are enjoying it. (I mean, let's face it, I'd rather be associated with the smell of pancakes or warm vanilla than that of a leather tanning shop burning to the ground, so there's that.) Now, I reach for Scotty's Butternut Burley, Comoy's Cask #2, Autumn Evening or Sutliff's Rum and Maple.
We've all heard the maxim, "Smoke what you like and like what you smoke," but I'm curious. Has anyone else experienced a shift toward aromatics after a while?
About 11 years ago I decided to get serious about this hobby and devote myself to exploring different types of tobacco (not to mention accruing more pipes, of course). I quickly fell in love with Virginia blends and English blends, and over time had a growing appreciation for Burley. My favorite blends thus far have been Dunhill Flake, Sir John's Flake, Klondike Flake, Old Dark Fired, McClelland's Classic Samsun and Frog Morton Cellar, Mac Baren's Roll Cake, and a couple of codger blends, Edgeworth Ready Rubbed and Chatham Manor.
And yet I find myself being drawn more and more to aromatics as I get older. The purist in me doesn't want to admit that I am preferring more and more tobaccos that are topped with various flavors. I've never been totally adverse to aros, but it was always more of a guilty pleasure. Not so anymore. There's something about the sweet flavors, the warm and comforting aroma, and the comments of others that tell me that they, too, are enjoying it. (I mean, let's face it, I'd rather be associated with the smell of pancakes or warm vanilla than that of a leather tanning shop burning to the ground, so there's that.) Now, I reach for Scotty's Butternut Burley, Comoy's Cask #2, Autumn Evening or Sutliff's Rum and Maple.
We've all heard the maxim, "Smoke what you like and like what you smoke," but I'm curious. Has anyone else experienced a shift toward aromatics after a while?