I enjoy the results of my work but, the work no. There is the satisfaction of eyeing a tree, noting the lean, setting the cables and such then, seeing the tree fall exactly as planned. The hard work, limbing, setting the pullies, threading the cable, and snaking the tree out of the woods is a right piece of work also. But, after felling, limbing, snaking it out, cutting into proper lengths there is the early evening beer. Seasonal "beetle kill" in my part of the world means a few days to a week every summer killing the dead trees. The older I get, the more troublesome it seems. I have threes saws so I don't have to change bars, 14- 24inch bars.
I would offer this advice to neophyte/weekender saw drivers, tune (sharpen) the loop every gas refill, easier than waiting until your back is sore from forcing the saw. And don't forget the depth gauge. A lot of recreational users have no clue about the depth gauge. A sharp saw requires only guidance, no forcing, it'll pull itself through the wood.
Enjoy I suppose if that's your idea of recreation.