I've been saying since I started cellaring and trying ancient tobaccos with my pipe club... use smaller jars! I use mostly half-pints, but some I use the tiny quarter pints, but not often. And, I never jar more than 3oz in a single jar. This way, when I open the jar, I just have enough open to smoke within a week to a month. This is why the 750ml wine bottles are standard, two glasses of wine per couple. Then you don't have wine oxidizing until the next time you decide to drink. And, not all wines are binge worthy.
I can easily smoke 3 oz of tobacco in a few days, sometimes in a single day... while the rest of the tobacco continues to age in other jars, unimpeded. And, with tobaccos that are very sweet or contain latakia which I don't want to smoke as often, I can just open an oz or and oz and a half at a time.
I know, I know, there are guys who live in a shoebox sized apartment or they are impoverished to the point of not being able to swing the $9 for a case of jars. These guys can just make do with whatever, without making their sob story public. I totally understand, and in those cases, just do whatever makes you happy.
But, for some, it is just a lazy decision, or they don't think the process through. They just buy quart sized jars and shove as much as they can in... because they didn't anticipate how they were going to imbibe once the day arrives... like guys who make a sparkling wine and put it in gallon jugs. The wine will lose its fizz after the first opening, and they can't drink a whole gallon in one sitting.
I throw this out there for the conscientious smoker to consider. For as I've said, I could really care what other smokers do with their cellars. But, some may want to consider these finer points of pondering.