However, do not expect that same appreciation from other members on here. Your post will be closed, I can assure you.
I can see from your vast experience on this forum you must know what you are talking about. If you have actually read a lot of the recent posts, there are a couple of major / long time site sponsors who have gone through the ringer lately in numerous threads.
The point I was making is the OP seemed to only be gripeing with no effort to resolve the issue with the vendor. Sure you want to bitch about something go for it, but don't expect to get only rebuttles agreeing with you. That is not the point of a public forum.
At the same time, this place is free and to continue that, those of us who actually actively participate in the community are going to defend the site spnosors to a point. As they are the reason this site is free. If you do not like that aspect of this particular forum I am sure the webmaster of this site would appreciate the server space.
In the end, it seems after pushing from those who disagree with your posts kcpoe, that once some effort was put in there was at least a resolution. In the end I do think E.A. probably should have worked more to resolve the issue directly. At the same time I think you get what you pay for. did not offend me or ruffle my feathers. My comments to you were more a warning to you that you may get more comments about not trying to work with the vendor, site sponsor or not.