Canadian Box Pass Round 3

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Jan 23, 2015
Ok guys, spent a little time rummaging through the box and there's some good stuff been added since I first put it in the mail. I've been pretty busy at work so I didn't smoke it all!! :lol: Actually the box is quite full now so we're gonna have to smoke/keep more next time around.
The blends I tried:
McCranies Red Ribbon - Not sure what I thought of this one. I didn't dislike it but not sure what I thought of it. Need to try it again before the box leaves.
McClelland British Woods - Enjoyed this blend. A smooth mild-ish blend with good but not over powering Latakia.
Peter Stockebey Balkan Supreme - This was a well rounded blend that I really enjoyed. Can see a few tins ending up in my cellar in the near future.
Peterson Wild Atlantic - Very very tasty. I enjoyed this one a lot.
Fribourg & Treyer Wingate Mixture - Smooth, mellow and tasty.
Smokerings Tyne Point - I didn't care to much for this one. Tin note was great but it didn't suit my tastes. I seem to be moving away from aros as of late as my tastes change.
SG Best Brown Flake - My oh my!! This blend was fantastic...I just loved it. Sweet grassy tin note and a smooth sweet grassy taste when smoked. A new favourite for sure. I'm glad I enjoyed this one as I bought 6 tins in August and through them in the cellar to age awhile.
Still to try:
C&D Oriental Silk

C&D Izmir Turkish

Sir Walter Raleigh
Will keep a pinch or two aside to try when I have a chance and share my thoughts on these blends at that time.
I grabbed one of the pipe stands and the wind cap to try out too. Thanks guys. :puffy:



Jan 23, 2015
I mentioned a while back that I had a little surprise to add to the box for this round. Well....I contacted woodsroad (Dan) here on the forum and inquired about possibly acquiring some samples of the new Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania blends that have been popping up here and there. Thankfully Dan was more than willing to send us their new blends to try. I was tickled pink to say the least. A couple weeks later I received a box that contained generous sized samples of John Cotton's No.1, John Cotton's No.s 1&2, John Cotton's Smyrna, War Horse (loose cut) and Bengal Slices.
Thanks very much to the guys at SToP for providing these blends for us to sample. :clap:
Another pleasant and very appreciated surprise came from our very own world famous forum member shikano53 (Chris). Chris contacted me with a very kind and generous offer to send me some samples from of his personal stash to help bolster the box. A few days later a box arrived containing samples of Esoterica Margate, Esoterica And So To Bed, Esoterica Woodbridge, McClellend 2020 Mature Cake and 4noggins Prairie Wind. Some highly sought after blends for us to enjoy!!
Thank you very much for you generosity Chris it is very much appreciated. :clap: really need to join the box pass brother!! :D
Last and certainly least I tossed in a few hemp wicks for anyone who'd like to give them a try. I use them once in a while when I'm relaxing in my chair for the evening. I keep a scent free candle lit on the side table and use it to light the wick when needed. It adds a fun little twist to the pipe smoking experience now and then.
Some real treats in the box fellas and it's headed your way soon!! :D



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
Wow. That's huge news! Thanks SToP and Chris! :mrgreen:
Petersons Wild Atlantic is (finally!) back in stock @ 4noggins. I, too, really like that one.
And jkrug, thanks again for doing the legwork on this.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
Wow, now that is a surprise. It will be great to try some of these blends.
Jim it was great to hear your comments on some of the blends. I swear Fribourg & Treyer Wingate Mixture is almost the same as Lane Crown Achievement.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
Jim, any more forum members interested in joining? Sounds like this round will have mucho baccy added. :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2014
I'd like to join in on this, there's some really nice stuff in the box by the sound of things. I just have a couple more posts to go!



Jan 23, 2015
I'd like to join in on this, there's some really nice stuff in the box by the sound of things. I just have a couple more posts to go!
PM headed your way. :puffy:



Jan 23, 2015
Hey guys. Was going to mail the box out yesterday but another kind forum member has graciously dropped some tobacco in the mail for us...thank you northerneil. :clap:
As soon as that package arrives we'll get this next round under way.
Thanks, Jim



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
We are a truly lucky bunch! Thank you to all contributors. I'm looking forward to this bounty showing up at my doorstep! Hopefully in the meantime we will get another participant or two. It would be silly not to join at this rate!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
Today I received a package from the one and only shikano53. He has done it again, this time supplying generous amounts of C&D Old Joe Kranz and Pegasus, along with a hearty chunk of Gawaith Hoggarth Black Irish X rope, to add to the box. Thanks for your generosity Chris.
If anybody gets the box ahead of me and would like to try any of these, let me know and I'll gladly send you some.



Jan 23, 2015
Excellent!! We are going to need a bigger box soon. :D
Also guys I'm happy to announce we have another participant in the pass. swOsnuff3r (Jim) will be coming along for the ride this time. We're growing!! :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2014
Hey thanks, this looks like a lot of fun. I'm about a year and a half into pipes and there is still so much tobacco out there I'd like to try. What a great opportunity to sample without buying and also share some favourites (and some not-so-favourites) that I have on hand that others may not have tried yet. I've been into snuff much longer and have never seen a box pass go around, although a Canadian snuff box pass probably wouldn't fly. There seems to be a lot less folks into snuff up here than pipes.



May 26, 2015
You guys are most welcome. Dang, 1 more month, 1 more month. Actually the Black Irish Twist was a generous gift sent to me by MSO489. I PMed him and told him I wimped out and was donating it to my fellow Canucks. I tried two bowls of it and it's way beyond my tolerance level. I made the mistake of loading up the first bowl in a MM Legend way too much. After about 1/4 bowl I thought it was going to kill me, after 1/2 bowl I was hoping it would kill me. After a very short second try I wisely dumped it in my ashtray. I was going to go outside one dark night while my wife was sleeping and bury it beneath her special and prized, hybrid maple tree, (hybrid because normal, eastern type maples don't grow out here) but then I thought if it kills the maple tree she will re-arrange my anatomical features so I thought heck, why should I be the only one to suffer? I know, I'll send it to the box pass! After all, misery loves company. HA HA HA! Anyway guys all feeble attempts at humor aside, enjoy and please let us know what you think of that vile, evil I mean twist tobacco. 8O



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Fair warning received!
Glad to see the group is growing. This really is a great opportunity to try some new blends - especially here in the GWN where it can be financially prohibitive to try a new blend on a whim.

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