Canadian Box Pass Round 3

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Jan 23, 2015
Thanks for the warm wishes Pat. It's pretty exciting for sure. Look forward to meeting you at the picnic and bringing back some goodies to bulk up the box. Thanks for your generosity. :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
The meet at Parks sounds like one heck of a good time. :puffy:

Jkrug, did you make those tampers?



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
Before it happens and it's too late someone should categorise the tobacco into similar smelling sections or you'll end up with a box of tobacco that will all kind of have the same taste, like if someone were to throw a heavy lakeland in the smell would transfer to all the other tobacco. Perhaps disposable ziplock containers would be a light and effective way of doing this without adding much weight



Jan 23, 2015
Yes I did make the tampers.
Andy, I catagorized and double bagged the different varieties before boxing them up. I read and stole the idea from the previous box pass thread. :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
Jkrug they look great!
I have been wondering how the individual tobaccos will hold up regarding taste transfer.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Hey all! Just a very quick note as I run out the door! The box made it in to my hands and is in good condition! I've yet to open it because I am crazy busy today but I wanted you all to know it is safe! More to come very soon!



Jan 23, 2015
Good to hear it arrived safe and sound. Take your time with the box, no need to rush with it as we are few right now. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
Nice, enjoy it drezz and like jkrug said there is no need to rush it.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Thanks guys! I took on a part-time job on top of my full-time job, helping propose a school of architecture here at the UofS so it's bleeding my free time! Not too many chances in life to help start a school of architecture though so I'm relishing the opportunity and hope we are awarded the job! Even if it will destroy any semblance of a social life! I'll get it passed on it short order though. I have a tin of McCranies Red Ribbon I talked my girlfriend in to mule-ing across the border that I'm going to toss in. Hard for us canuckians to get a hold of since they won't ship to the GWN.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
I've finally got the box packed up and ready to go! I've added a tin of McCranies Red Ribbon and a chunk of Beeswax from my local farmers' market - the virtues of which have been extolled at length in other threads.
I pulled a bit of SG Dark Twist, C&D Pirate Kake, and C&D Constellation to try. I also swiped one of those tampers which I am delighted about! It was nice to be able toe peruse the magazine while the box was in my possession and I am considering getting a subscription now! Nice to see some hiqh-quality prints of pipes of a page instead of the screen for a change. The pipe racks were tempting, and I used them to prop up my new Ferndown for pictures, but I have a 6pipe rack which suits me quite nicely so I'll let someone with more use for them snag one up!
I was really hoping those cheap-o folding pipe stands would come in before the box heads off but they may be lost somewhere between China and here. Oh well. They will be ready for round 4!
Thanks again for your patience in letting me keep it a little longer.

I'll update with a tracking number when it's on its way to stickframer!



Jan 23, 2015
Awesome drezz! Good to hear you finally got to spend some time with the box. No need to rush it along right now as we are a small group at this point. Looking forward to sampling a pinch or two of that McCranie's. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
Drezz I'm ready and able to receive. Have you had a chance to try any of the blends you listed?



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
Yeah drezz when time allows it would be great to hear what you thought of any blends you have tried.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Good news! My dilly-dallying to send this box off finally paid off! The lot of 10 cheap-o scissoring pipe stands will make it in the box when it goes off to stickframer (Tomorrow, I promise!). Not anywhere near the quality of the stands already in the box, but you can leave these little pipe perches on the deck overnight in the rain with no worry.
I finally got a chance to smoke my pipe this morning and tried some of the C&D Constellation and found it to be a very approachable english blend. I should try another bowl with a bit more moisture to it but I could easily see this blend as an all-day english. I didn't find any element of it distinctly sung to me, just a satisfying meat-and-potatoes english blend, which is exactly what you want some times.
I'm excited to try the Pirate Kake, it's my first crumble cake/plug so I was glad to have my trusty folding knife on me. It smells like a campfire when you extinguish it with a sudden deluge of water. Too windy out this evening to smoke outside and I'm not too sure I could ever scrub the walls clean if I smoked it inside but I'm sure there will be an autumn evening perfectly suited to this blend in the near future.
Apologies again for sitting on this box for so long and not participating in the thread as actively as I should. Now that my schedule is settling down (for the foreseeable future) I am excited to send this box in to the hands of you fine and patient folk!



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
She's in the mail!

Tracking: 0099910001204465
I through in some extra shipping labels too which I liberated from the office. The box is getting tightly packed already so I elect stickframer to take a considerable dip out of the box. :lol:



Jan 23, 2015
Great idea on the shipping labels drezz. Thanks for that. I started with a smallish box for the first round so we aren't paying to ship air all over the country. Sounds like we may outgrow that box pretty quickly though...not necessarily a bad thing. :D



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
The box arrived today! I will post a few pics in a bit. I'm currently smoking a bowl of MM Country Gentleman in an MM Legend, and C&D Five O'clock Shadow is on deck. I didn't realize that Country Gentleman was a Vaper with Kentucky added. It's pretty decent. :puffy:

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