Canadian Box Pass Round 3

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Jan 23, 2015
I'll participate in the next one when i have 6 months membership. i'm in south western ontario.
Hi thomnas, I somehow missed your post. Stick around and keep active here. It would be great to have you join us the next time the box makes it's way around.
Cheers, Jim



Jan 23, 2015
Ok guys the box pass launch is fast approaching. I will compile a list of participants this weekend and email it out to all participants once it's done. I'm pretty sure I have everyone's contact info but if I've missed you please drop me a PM. I'm hoping to have the list compiled and sent out by Sunday night and the box in the mail by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (Sept 1 or 2).
If there's any questions or concerns please drop me a pm or post it here and we can sort it out.
If there is any Canadian pipers out there that would like to join in on the Box Pass but haven't yet, please do. There's still time to get in on the action before the box is set in motion. If you end up wanting to join in once the pass has started and/or you reach the join criteria once the pass has started give me a shout and we can add you on to the end of the list no problem. The more the merrier! :D
Cheers, Jim. :puffy:



Jan 23, 2015
Ok guys, check your email. I sent out the address/contact list of Box Pass participants. Let me know if there are any errors or issues.
I will drop the box in the mail Wednesday (Sept 2, 2015)and it will be headed to drezz01 first. Drezz01 please confirm you are ready to receive the box.
As always if there are any issues or concerns post them here and we can resolve those issues as a group.
Let the Box Pass begin!! Jim :D



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Yippee! I'm number one!
I had ordered 10 folding plastic pipe stands from China to add to the box but I'm not sure they will get here in time - oh well, they can go in Round II if they must.



Jan 23, 2015
Sounds good drezz01. There's only a few of us right now so it won't take long for the box to come back around. I will post a pic and the tracking number once it's in the mail. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
ohh this is very exciting. Hey if you guys have any areas you are keen to try out (or not) feel free to mention them here so I can add stuff to the box that people might be keen on (along with anything I doubt I will get to but that other might want to explore). I know Stickframers tastes are in line with mine as long as there is no Red Virginia! Jkrug: I get the feeling your tastes are very broad? Drezz: I am not so sure about so fill me in. My favourite blends are in the Oriental/ English theme but I am learning and exploring the VA and VA/Per areas and enjoying that as well. There are tons of very common blends I have not tried so be willing to throw in some common stuff even if you think others may have not tried it... or just ask on here I guess.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
Fmgee I'm still experimenting with the reds so it's all good. I can't wait to see what's in the box.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
I'm actually smoking a bulk balkan from the B&M the next town over and enjoying it quite a bit! Would love to try some others. Similarly I've been exploring the Burleys though I'm a bit of a Nic lightweight so I have to tread carefully. Always a fan of english blends and virginias. The only blends that I've ye to truly embrace are VaPers. I don't get much of them besides pepper. I've certainly got some VA's and VaPers I can contribute for you to try fmgee!



Jan 23, 2015
I'm pretty open as far as tobacco blends go. I like Va's, VaPers, English, etc. I've not yet tried any Balkans. I have a few favourites that I "go to" all the time but I'm always ordering and trying new blends as well.



Jan 23, 2015
Okay, Box Pass Round 3 has officially started. The box is in the mail and on the way to drezz01. Lets have some fun with this guys. :)
Tracking number is 0104314000147906.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
This is a good thing! :D
Kudos to putting in the SG XX Twist, I thought of ordering some myself for the pass. I can't wait to try it out. What is in the bag to the right of the twist? All I can make out is Limited Edition 2015. My guess is....Christmas Cheer?



Jan 23, 2015
It's a Kohlhase and Kopp Limited Edition Aro. The Black XX Twist is very good but it's a strong one.
I'm headed out camping for the long weekend and will be gone till Monday. Have a great weekend everyone. :puffy:



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
wow that's a fantastic looking box!! Suddenly I feel like I should run out and grab some new items worth putting in it!
I had sent off several aro blends which weren't really floating my boat to ben88 to sample and then contribute to the box pass but they won't make it in this round. Nor will the bulk order of cheap folding pipe rests from China (unless they somehow magically make it to me in the next week or so).
I'll figure something out!



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
drezz: Remember the box is for taking stuff out as well as adding. If we all just kept adding the big winner would be Canada Post. Don't worry if you do not have a lot to add. A flake here or a bowl or two there might be all it takes for one of us to find a blend we want to follow up.
There is no way I would ever buy SG Black Twist as it just scares me but you can be sure I'll eat a hearty meal and fire up a (tiny) bowl so I can get an idea of it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
It will probably be the one and only time I try SG Black Twist. Strap in tight, helmets on! :lol:



Feb 6, 2013
It warms the hoar frost off my northern heart to see a bunch of good Canadian lads off to a great start on another box pass. I'll have some additions to pass on to Jkrug when we meet on the 12th at Mike Parks' place.
Bon voyage little box, may you get fat and cumbersome with goodness on your journey.
-- Pat

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