Have seen that question posted several times and had a little spare time to give the experiment a try. Truth be told, I have done this before sitting on a Fire Base in Iraq with nothing better to do. Through trial and many errors I have found this works best. The tobacco does require some processing though. Have done it with Red Man but this time I used Bull of The Woods.
#1- Separate the pieces best you can, put in a container and fill with water (to remove the molasses). Stir till water is black. Drain, rinse, repeat till the water is the color of tea.
#2- Drain and press as much water out as you can. Dry on paper towel anyway of your choosing (sun, air).
#3- Make pieces small enough to fit in the pipe and let er rip tater chip.
I will say that it is much harder to get going, it’ll take 3 or 4 try’s. Once going it burns slow and cool. The flavor is very mild woody, vegetative with a very slight burley profile......really not bad!
So, there you go! I’ve done it for y’all so no one else needs to suffer through it

#1- Separate the pieces best you can, put in a container and fill with water (to remove the molasses). Stir till water is black. Drain, rinse, repeat till the water is the color of tea.
#2- Drain and press as much water out as you can. Dry on paper towel anyway of your choosing (sun, air).
#3- Make pieces small enough to fit in the pipe and let er rip tater chip.
I will say that it is much harder to get going, it’ll take 3 or 4 try’s. Once going it burns slow and cool. The flavor is very mild woody, vegetative with a very slight burley profile......really not bad!
So, there you go! I’ve done it for y’all so no one else needs to suffer through it