Last night I decided to start working on a stem for my bent pot. I bought the pipe for $10 knowing it had a tooth hole. I figured with some black super glue (which is not available at home depot) I could fix the hole. The pipe arrived with not just a tooth hole, but a crack on the saddle. Ok, I'll try to manage it and save it anyways. I gave the pipe an oxy bath over night took it out and let it dry. I went to scrape the grout with a pick. applying little pressure, but just enough to make the damn saddle snap off and fly off into unknown territory. Well with a little cussing and a little disappointment. I turned my view to working on my Brigham. Today I've been searching for a replacement stem, but I just cannot seem to find any bent blanks. So my question is do you buy a straight blank stem then bend it or is there a site that I haven't found with bents?
If you bend the stem, how do you go about it? using heat I assume, but in what degree and how.
If you bend the stem, how do you go about it? using heat I assume, but in what degree and how.