I don't think of what happened to Greenwich Village as gentrification; that's a misnomer. Gentrification is when well-off young folks buy up old buildings and spruce them up at great expense and commence to live there. In Greenwich Village, old brownstones are bought up and gutted, and the interiors are fixed up with all kinds of exaggerated high end amenities -- gyms, saunas, libraries, you name it. But then ho, does anyone move and in commence pregnancies and baby buggy walks? Oh no no no. People from Wall Street and the Middle East and other places with untold monies buy them up and flip them regularly, and no one lives there for years and years, and maybe they are rented to corporations or oil companies, but nothing resembling residencies or human life occurs there. They are investment properties, as devoid of human habitation as mars. Gentrification looks benign by comparison. Sterilization is more the term I think of.