I buy used pipes from time to time because I am cheap and always get a little voice in my head saying "Instead of 150-200 on a new pipe give 20 and spend the rest on tobacco".
I'm quite close to talking to a couple of local artisans though and commission a pipe, as a key issue I have is that factory shapes and sizes are rarely exactly what I'd like to have. There is the voice in my head again
right now asking "do you know how much 300-400 euros of tobacco is?". Yeah now I realise I was "close" to talking to Kyriazanos last summer (Greek carver, love his work because it's traditional and not gimmicky at all) but in the end bought more tobacco :D
@workman totally with you on acrylic by the way, I know a lot here consider it an inferior material but I like the look, the feel and the fact it stays clean on its own.
@sablebrush52 that's beautiful! I got one capped pipe, and never smoke it with the cap on as it gets oily and manky and is a bother to clean. Can't have my pie and eat it too clearly.