Ok, but keep in mind that these suggestions by her were done in my very first years of smoking pipes.
She suggested that bent pipes looked flaccid and droopy, so those were off the list for a long time. A slight bend was ok, but ones that droop down, nope. She still doesn't like them.
She really liked the Italian style, sleek, well proportioned, textural, and she seemed to have a preference for the dublins and billiards. I never really developed a taste for billiards in general, but... this is her.
The very first pipe she bought me was a Northern Briar churchwarden, which I call my Screamwarden, because... long story but it has Munch's The Scream in the striations of the cumberland stem.
The second was a Talamona Dublin. The third was a Savinelli Autograph dublin.
Then after years of seeing what I picked out for myself, she realized that I preferred more whimsically proportioned pipes. So, she bought me my first Neerup, which now I have a whole level on the rack for them. So, nowadays, I'm more Dr. Seuss than sexy, ha ha.