As some of you know, I was supposed to be buying a new home a couple weeks ago. At the last minute, the guy buying my loft had mortgage problems delaying the sale. This, of course, meant I couldn't buy the house. We delayed closings and extended contracts, but only more complications. Depending on others to allow you to buy a home is a drag. I opted instead for a swing loan which will allow me to buy this house and pay it back when my loft, God willing, sells. It's unbelievable how complicated buying a house is. They should teach a class in high school. Anyways, assuming no more problems, I close on my new house this Thursday and movers arrive Friday at 8am. In theory this Friday night I'll be smoking a pipe, my yet to be smoked Rasmussen, in my new home. If there are further complications I'll be living under bridge somewhere in rural Alabama, smoking my yet to be smoked in Rasmussen