I have 10 Dunhills at present, 7 purchased new (smooth) and 3 purchased used (estates).
A good used Dunhill can be found on e-bay for about $200 or so. Buy one, and you will probably enjoy it the rest of your life. Artisan pipes (really good ones) will cost you far more than most Dunhill pipes, even when purchased new. I've also had issues with artisan pipes (cracking, shrinking, etc) that I've never had with factory-made pipes. Look at it this way: there are lots of talented pipe makers out there making wonderful looking pipes, and they charge a lot of money for them. Many have been making them for only a few years (probably far less than most folks at Dunhill) and are still learning the ropes as far as wood sourcing, selection, seasoning and so forth. I attribute this to the problems I've had with three $500+ Artisan pipes over the years. I understand $500 is sort of low end for an artisan pipe, but I want a pipe that will last for the long haul.
Lots of people hate Dunhills in the same way they hate Rolex watches: they are sort of a status symbol, and the enthusiast cognoscenti turn their noses up to them because Dunhills are just plain, old traditional shapes, like Rolex watches are. You won't find the "flavor of the month" in a Dunhill pipe, nor will you find an artist profile in a pipe magazine either. What you will find with a Dunhill is a rock-solid, well-made pipe that, with a modicum of care, will outlast you. Those who feel cheaper pipes smoke better, well good for you. If you feel it's best to purchase 10 pipes instead of one, then you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Me, now that I have a wife and kids, find myself saving for months to buy my next pipe; the last one almost a year. But I'd rather have one really high quality pipe than a rack full of lesser ones.