Thanks so much for the steps to wining. Bookshop was the first Burley I ever tried actually. Looks like I will start from the beginningStart your burley journey with some C&D Pegasus. Then move on to C&D Old Joe Krantz Blue Label, (slightly stronger then Pegasus). If you think you have a grip on what your looking for the next step would be C&D Haunted Bookshop then C&D Old Joe Krantz Original which contain some Perique. Old Joe Krantz has more perique then Haunted Bookshop and both blends contain a much higher nicotine content then Pegasus & Old Joe Blue. If the four blends I've mentioned are a bit too strong for you then I'd recommend something like Granger and Prince Albert. One thing to keep in mind is that Burley blends just revel themselves better when smoked in a corn cob pipe. Good luck on your journey.