Well first off, my condolences to you 12pups. On the Suckitude Scale, that has to rank pretty high. Good news that the damage wasn't as bad as initially thought, and I hope that the lead on a perp pans out. I worry about this every time that I leave the house unoccupied. We don't have any crime to speak of here, but it's the local delinquent factor that is the great unknown. There is certainly a much higher quotient of worthless bag-o-shit kids these days, and one can only hope that they pick on an occupied, armed house before they get to yours.
All of my powder-actuated plumbium launchers are kept in some very serious safes. Not "gun safes", those are mostly worthless, and easily opened with the tools that most of us have stored withing 15 feet of the safes. If you want a real safe, look around for a bank service company. There is usually one in every metropolitan area. These are companies that sell and service bank equipment. Most of them will have a stock of old floor safes, at reasonable prices. The one near me also had racks of ancient safe deposit boxes. Nothing will stop a determined burglar, but you can slow them down. My safes also have a unique feature: Large glass vials of liquid tear gas are secured to the inside of the vault where a burglar would attempt to drill or torch cut the lock. I like the idea of a perp getting blasted by that. I think that this it was common practice way back when to install this, but I've never seen it before or since.
After reading your post, though, I'll be installing hidden cameras. If you can't stop them from robbing you, you can at least help send them to jail.
My best wishes in recovering your property, and in recovering your sense of safety in your own home.