Burglarized tonight

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Jan 8, 2013
Oh man, this is brutal. It definitely sounds like someone who knew you, and the layout of your home. I am so sorry this happened to you. I can imagine the difficulty your having, trying to take responsibility, but in the end, it isn't your fault. It's some worthless lowlife's fault. You tried to do right by your family and pets by bringing them along for the trip. Unfortunately, in this world, good deeds rarely go unpunished. With luck the cops will find the guy(s) before they have a chance to spread your things to far.



Might Stick Around
Apr 21, 2014
Wow brother, that is despicable! I am really sorry to hear about this happening to anyone especially a friend or member of this cherished, tight knit community. Sounds like an inside job to me, IMHO. For what it's worth, I'm still pretty young and although I have now been in the military the last 7 years, the kids I went to HS with did not join the military, got into drugs, heavy drinking, and burglary. Some accounts I have been told from buddies on the straight an narrow path who watched these shitheads fall into this type of looting have been more along the lines of studying the habits of a house they wanted to burglarize, waiting for a prime opportunity to strike and going for ANYTHING of value in a quick and destructive manner I.e. booze, guns, bows, cash, jewelry, electronics, anything that looked expensive and destroying everything in the path of getting to it. If it were kids or younger folks I feel like you may be looking at a similar situation, since this was a much more planned and precise operation by a shithead who knows your place your dog's and your routine along with your valuables and we're they are kept...inside job. Just my .02 and I hope the coppers get them and put them where they belong! Good luck brother.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 14, 2014
Boise, ID
It is really terrible that this happened to you. I had a gun and an iPod stolen out of my garage last summer when I was having a bunch of contracted concrete work done. They never caught the bastard, but I am sure it was one of the workers. It was my own fault for leaving the garage door open all the time (only while I was home, but still) and I had completely forgot that I had that pistol in the garage.
Earlier this spring, my neighborhood fell prey to a string of burglaries/forced entries. It didn't take long for the neighbors to all rally and keep a watchful eye out for suspicious activity, including myself. To make a long story short, one day I came out of my house and saw a suspicious teenager run, jump into a car and speed away. I immediately wrote down everything I could remember and contacted the police. The burglars were caught within a couple weeks and most of the neighbor's belongings were recovered. It was a kid, his friend and his MOM breaking into places and then selling the stuff for meth. The neighbor's house was broken into TWICE by these people within about a week.
Moral of the story... don't assume they won't come back, prepare for if they do, and talk to your neighbors!



Jun 13, 2012
That bites. I am so sorry to hear that. As I burglary victim myself I feel your pain. Especially for the items that are irreplaceable.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
That absolutely sucks. Having been a victim as well, I can sympathize. I hope that your items are recovered and that the perp gets caught. Clearly someone who knows you was involved, even if indirectly, and that's a hard pill to swallow.

It's bad, but it could have been worse, and no one close to you was hurt.



Feb 21, 2013
Really creepy. The close attention to your habits. The selectivity of the items taken. Worst of all,

it seems to be someone who is close. That's worst of all. They may not have had a U-Haul truck,

but they must have had a roomy vehicle or they couldn't have cleaned out the booze. They really

knew the layout and what they were after. But there's a lot to work with. This person has a lot on

his hands to cover up, a tremendous job.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
Man, that grinds me. Whoever it was, they've been in your house before. Pathetic. I despise a thief. Eye for an eye, and all that...



Feb 9, 2014
Well. I'm home. And during that long drive, could only half believe it, you know. The whole way thinking, "Ah, the cops must be mistaken. Maybe it's all just a mistaken perception. Our house is so messy, just *looks* broken into. That and, I'm sure he didn't understand me when I was telling him where to look for the guns. I don't keep them all in one place. I'm very conscientious about keeping them away from our kids and their friends.
But I walked in and started shaking. Holy crap! It's that first punch about how aggressive it was. We had been made to wait till an officer came to take us inside the crime scene -- my home. Then it hit. The gun cabinet was my father's. When I saw how they'd clawed it up and torn the lock out of the wood with the claw hammer (still on the floor, brought upstairs from my basement shop)... chest tightened up and I felt tears of anger welling up.
First piece of good luck -- the Ruger Single Six of my father's, they hadn't see it. It's box was covered with dust beneath other items. It is still here!!!
My bedroom was shredded. They had ripped at the sheets and blankets to get the mattress up. My new case of infusion sets (insulin pump supplies) was torn open, and one of the boxes was opened, the reservoirs pulled out to see what they were. Pill bottles from my nightstand on the floor. My wife's jewelry drawers pulled out and tossed on the bed. We don't think they were looking for the jewelry. The Black Hills gold things are all still there. Then it hit me: Keys. They were looking for keys to cabinets and cases. They were gun hunting.
One of the bows was gone. A Matthews. My stepson's competition bow. They hadn't noticed that, but I noticed the naked spot on the wall. Each person in our family, theirs bows arranged on that wall.
My beside .357, gone. My wife's 9mm Shield and spare magazines gone. The linen closet, all the sheets and blankets yanked down.
The dresser drawers had been rummaged through, nylon stockings and underwear hanging out. The liquor cabinet in the kitchen, just as they described it. Cabinet locks distorted -- but nothing missing. Definitely looking at likely gun hiding places. Things with locks on them.
Then to the basement. All my power tools still there.
But here's where my weird-ass strategy for keeping teens eyes and hands off my guns paid off. The officer hadn't understood me. He found empty handgun boxes for our carry guns (which were with us on the trip). The guns I was telling him about were in the case behind the chimney. It was still there, untouched. Guns I had "retired" and guns I was saving to give to my son -- all still there. All still safe and undiscovered.
Ammo chest, not as lucky. But get this -- they only took ammo (my handloads) that matched the guns from upstairs. My one box of .357s is gone. Four boxes of 9mm are gone. But on the bench, two boxes of .380. They had tossed them aside on their way out of the basement because they were the wrong kind.
Who else is thinking, "teenage" burglar? Too early to say anything. But would fit, wouldn't it?
Didn't take the .38s. Obviously not aware those would work in the .357.
AND MY PIPES -- all here. How could the officer not recognize the pipes on the table? First table inside the garage, my "smoking den." He must have thought I meant somewhere else, because there were no pipes.
They did get one rifle, my stepson's twin barrel Rossi.
We kept a digital photo album of all our guns. We weren't thinking of them being stolen; we just like our guns so much that we have "professional" style photos of them posed left, right, from all perspectives. Serial numbers nicely showing. Plus we have the owner manuals and receipts in a file.
I'm outside right now. Police have not finished their investigation. Got called away and will be back in a few hours. In the meantime, I'm not to touch or move anything yet. So... nothing to do but enjoy another bowl. Wait.
Thanks, gentlemen, for the sympathetic posts. I am posting because, if you're teetering on the brink of better security at your home, no matter how humble your abode, hopefully this tips the scales for you? My mistake was thinking that I live such a modest little lifestyle that no one would think of robbing me. I just learned I can't think of every scenario or motive or possible reason someone might have for taking them. I'm not just keeping them out of the reach of curious family members -- I have to protect my home's belongings from people other members of my family trust.
Unable to "know" all the possibilities, I have to prepare against the unthinkable ones, no matter how "over the top" it might seem. We're definitely getting a gunsafe. And we're no longer thinking of our home as too unappealing to rob. If I were a thief, I think it's exactly the kind of place I *would* rob -- since there wouldn't be all that much security, as rich people might invest in.



Feb 9, 2014
Oh, and yeah -- someone with a backpack. Maybe someone on foot or someone on a bike or moped. We're guessing that's why they couldn't take more. Just what fit in the bag.
Turns out neighbors do have high security, including exterior cameras. None point at our house, but they cover the sidewalk to the side of our house and the alley out back. Cop said he has one lead. And they'll check those cameras to see if the neighbors caught anyone they suspect.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2011
I'm sorry 12pups. This is truly awful. I can't believe they grabbed your pipes!!
They deserve to have a 12 gauge slug sent through their chest on the next excursion.
Seriously dude?



Jan 31, 2011
@12pups: This is truly awful...you have my deepest sympathies. I'm just glad to hear it was not as bad as originally thought.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 11, 2014
So sad to hear. Atleast nobody was hurt. Def inside job I hope they find the bastards!



Feb 9, 2014
Thanks, guys. Still waiting for the investigation of the house to conclude. Sitting here, waiting, can't touch things or move things. And if I smoke ONE MORE BOWL I'll need pipe mud to repair my tongue and cheek burn out!



Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2014
Sorry, I can sympathize! Two years ago boarded the dog low and behold came back from the cape a week away all my jewelry GF's jewelry no guns and amateur radio equipment though, I had that all written down, as the police said inside job, no watches taken just small stuff not engraved, jewelry yes no one was there to get hurt but my great-great grandmothers engagement ring that one hurt! :crying:

Wow, that's terrible. My condolences. I would suggest that you contact all of the parents of your step son's friends. Don't accuse their kids, just put word out that this thing happened and to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. I'll bet someone knows someone who knows someone...
I'm buying a gun safe tomorrow. Dang, and I was going to buy a cabinet for my tobacco. Priorities!!! Tobacco can wait.



Feb 9, 2014
Maybe tobacco stores well in a gun safe?
I know when we get ours, it will be huge. Those dang things can go through anything. Documents and valuables are safe in them. Not just guns.
If a guy's going to have more than a few quality guns (looking back now in highsight), that right there is the cost of a nice gun safe. A bargain, considering all that can be stored in one. (Don't buy one just for guns, since it will soon occur to you how much can be protected in one, I think).
And of course, one value above all others: Being able to sleep without nightmares that your gun's killed some kid, or got some kid killed for brandishing it.

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