Maybe this is a question for a different thread, but how did you figure out that you've cellared enough. Have you cellared more than you could possibly smoke, or done a little math (or a lot of math depending on the number of blends you cellar), or do you just have a gut feeling it's about enough?
Good questions! A little math tells me that if I average 2 bowls a day, everyday for a year, I'll need around 100 pounds to last 20 years. Gut feeling probably has more to do with things than math because after I actually took inventory and saw that I'd reached 100 pounds, I stopped tracking my purchases and I've never tracked my actual usage. I may not smoke at all for a couple months at a time or I may smoke 4-6 bowls a day for months at a time.
What I do know (gut feeling), is that I have at least the 100 pounds in the cellar and my ongoing purchases are exceeding my consumption. I'm 55 years old, so I've got to be close to ok. It's not uncommon to try a new blend and think "hmmm, how much of this will I want to smoke before I croak?" these kinds of incidents can cause the cellar to swell. When I look at what I have, it looks like an impossible amount to smoke through.
It'd be interesting to see the number of people who are shooting high and planning on dying with a pile of tobacco, you know, playing it safe. I understand. Who knows, I may live to 100 and kick myself for wimping out on my purchases. Then again, I may decide to quit. We've seen that more than once around here.