I wonder, has anyone ever played a Pipe/Tobacco word game on the forum?
So when you think of a Tobacco Pipe, what are the first words that come to mind.
For me, the thing is, I’m a Traditionalist, it’s roots and the culture, history, etc...
These are some of the words that come to mind;
Dunhill, Castello, Savinelli, Peterson, Murray Sons & Co., Preben Holm, Eltang, Ivarrson, Nording, Radice, and the list goes on, of all the greats.
While I love advancement, technology, etc., I will always be a traditional pipe smoker!
I want to be connected to the past and simpler times, and that means to me Briar pipes!
While that might be a great smoking pipe, nahhh, and because of the other Pipe Weed industry out there, and all the wild gadgets they have, this looks exactly like that market, not exactly what I want to look like, and it’s not really unique at all.
Pipes of all sorts of materials have been around for decades, you can go out and buy and smoke tobacco in, not sure who they think they are fooling.