Bring Back Rule Number Nine

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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
The moderators take care of a lot of stuff that nobody ever notices, so it's not like anybody is slacking.
However, I am the only one that enforces rule #9, and I have LOTS of other things to do, and I miss some of them.
Please feel free to send me a PM if it seems I missed something, and include a link to the thread. Also, please give me 24-hours to respond.
Dave said:
It would be nice if the forum rules were prominently displayed. I've never read them before. I use the do unto others rule. So far so good.
That is the extreme irony of "Sticky" posts. They are called that because they are designated to stay at the top - above the most recent discussions. Unfortunately, 99.99% of people just skip over them as if they didn't exist.



Jun 23, 2011
Anything I wouldn't say face to face, risking a punch in the snoot, I would not say on this forum.
And there, thanks to @aldecaker, is the One Rule to Rule them All.



Aug 28, 2013
Whatever happened to esperanto? And why do we need to carry a knife on this forum? (reference to Gibbs' rule 9 on NCIS)



Apr 5, 2014
Not everyone on here is a North American.
Iatia- I think most North American's can usually tell when a poster is not from NA, by the language and punctuation they use. When I see this, I don't think anything of it. The complaints are mostly directed toward N American's who don't use their SHIFT key when they should. Another thing that bugs me personally, is the amount of mistakes in English, that could be caught by proof reading. I know it may sound petty, but I was raised by a Mother who was a stickler for proper use of the English language. :?



Sep 14, 2015
Rules 9 and 10.... got it.
What about rule #6 ?? I can't say how many times I've had to bite my tongue because of how our government works or doesn't work. Since no one gets called out on it, I can only assume the mods agree to some extent. And I know what happens when I assume. I'm glad there is no lead in gasoline anymore. I'm glad thalidomide isn't prescribed to pregnant women anymore. Government has a ham-fisted role in some very basic public safety and I think it is safe to say that Big Tobacco put us smokers in the position we are currently in. It may take many years, but I feel tobacco will eventually be vindicated for what it is. I don't care about anyone's opinions on politics. If I wanted to talk politics and the stupidity involved therein, there are thousands of places to go on the net. I also don't care about religion, race, color, creed, or whose pants you may or may not want to get into. Your private life is yours and I'm very liberal in that regard (see what I did there :)) Though this is basically a public forum, anything someone shares about their personal lives is respected and not fodder for gossip or derision with me. I appreciate the occasional glimpse behind the avatar and feel this is an amazing site full of intelligent and insightful men and women gathered around the common cause of smoking tobacco for relaxation and pleasure. This is truly a world class forum where knowledge, humor and good will can be shared across borders for the betterment of its members. I am proud to be a member. With this in mind, I try to hold myself to a high standard and aside from the occasional weird cat pic or dismissive comment about Schopenhauer, I feel I do fairly well. I don't respect every opinion, but I respect everyone's right to their opinion. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a fat bowl of Black Russian calling my name.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Unfortunately, not everyone was raised by your mother. :) We should remember that many new members are not concerned with how they are perceived or received. They are here to stir the pot, post a rant, or be an irritant until they move on to another place. They are not interested in the rules. Serious new members make an effort and usually try to follow the rules once mistakes are pointed out.
My observation is, the problem children quickly disappear. Either they get upset, feel out of place or have accomplished their goal. Seriously interested new members quickly make adjustments, sometimes apologies, and make nice additions to the board.



Sep 14, 2015
No doubt my Mother would agree with you, rest her soul. Thank you, Warren, for your kind words.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
@mayfair70 - As much as my time allows, I am always monitoring for political talk. There is a fine line. For instance, the recent thread about the death of Justice Scalia is ripe for an issue. So far, everyone is playing nice and staying within forum guidelines. That could have changed minutes ago while I was reading this thread. Typically, members private message me when they see a thread or post go outside the rules.



Jul 21, 2015
We should remember that many new members are not concerned with how they are perceived or received. They are here to stir the pot, post a rant, or be an irritant until they move on to another place.
On point perhaps:
To leave that metaphor, let us grieve at what twitter has become. A stalking ground for the sanctimoniously self-righteous who love to second-guess, to leap to conclusions and be offended – worse, to be offended on behalf of others they do not even know. It’s as nasty and unwholesome a characteristic as can be imagined. It doesn’t matter whether they think they’re defending women, men, transgender people, Muslims, humanists … the ghastliness is absolutely the same. It makes sensible people want to take an absolutely opposite point of view. I’ve heard people shriek their secularism in such a way as to make me want instantly to become an evangelical Christian.
But Stephen, these foul people are a minority! Indeed they are. But I would contend that just one turd in a reservoir is enough to persuade one not to drink from it. 99.9% of the water may be excrement free, but that doesn’t help. With Twitter, for me at least, the tipping point has been reached and the pollution of the service is now just too much.



Sep 14, 2015
@ssjones - Now that I think about it, political sniping seemed to happen more when I first joined at the end of last summer 2015. There are also a good number of older threads where I noticed them too. To be clear, I feel you, Kevin and the other mods and "old-timers" do a really good job of keeping a lid on things. The next time I see #6 being blatantly ignored, I'll be sure to mention it in a PM. I understand how difficult it must be to keep this train on the tracks and I can't say how grateful I am ya'll keepin' it civil. :clap:
@deathmetal - Stephen Fry is brilliant and a great social commentator, writer and comedian. :)

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