Bring Back Rule Number Nine

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Aug 21, 2014
"If I surround myself with sufficient stoopid, then my stoopid will begin to look normal, at least to me and my friends."
I agree Rob. I just think it's part of the dumbing down of America that is underway. Maybe other countries too, I don't know.
I was taught you dress for the job you want, not the job you have. And if you want to be thought of by your peers as being professional then you must act professional which includes discussion & debate. Except for lawyers very few young people know how to debate anything or present their side of things.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
In general, but from a short time perspective, the moderation here seems very even handed and swift.
Last night at 2 am PDT I wandered in to see a kid spewing— a spate of new threads of hate and illiteracy. They were gone when I got up for real. Poor fellow must feel powerless if spamming us is how he gets off.
***** ******** **********
Some use of poor grammar can be ironic and amusing, u no. L8 man.*
* Sorry, not examples of amusing!

Jan 4, 2015
"If I surround myself with sufficient stoopid, then my stoopid will begin to look normal, at least to me and my friends."
I've always thought that was one of the big drawbacks to the internet. You can always find others out there that agree with you no matter how close to the "lunatic fringe" you might be. What we once accepted as traditional reinforcement for acceptable behavior has been replaced by influences that encourage and promote anti social conduct. Not all, but many are affected. Most of us learned our social skills by interacting with those around us, not in the artificial world of the key board. The computer generation isn't so fortunate.

Sep 27, 2012
Upland, CA.
Rule ten is a toughie to enforce I think. It calls for some very careful parsing, interpreting and subjective reasoning by the mods. This is the one rule which probably causes mods a lot of heartburn. I'm betting this rule generates a lot of PMs asking for intent, asking the poster to "dial it back," and maybe a "one more and you are outta here" message.
I agree with you, especially when you get very passive aggressive remarks... do they cross this vague line? and as you mentioned that threshold is different for everyone. You also talked about "thin" skin, this I believe is the biggest issue... people love to feel disrespected and attacked, they love to feel like a victim (ok maybe Im exaggerating) but people need to remember that although the majority of us get along very well and would probably enjoy hanging out in person, its still the internet. People love to say shit they probably wouldn't in real life, so really people need to get a thick skin.
OK I'm on my first cup of Joe, so if that didn't make sense you can blame it on that
ON a side note... do any of you frequent other sites, like Reddit, Youtube, etc.. thats a true free for all, man if you are one of the ones that get all booboo kitty here how do you manage those other sites? how do you manage real life when its filled with assholes like me? :P

Mar 1, 2014
I think the Internet is having a stabilizing effect on language globally, I know a few colloquialisms around here, and I'm sure everyone else does for their own area too (or maybe crunk was just a 90's thing?), but I usually don't see them on the Internet.
On the other hand, you can also see local cultural fragmentation. People are interacting more on a global basis, but may never poke their heads out the front door long enough to talk to the neighbors. You have more and more people who never have to find a middle ground in conversation. Thus, the Social Justice Warrior was born. There is no such thing as mutual respect, only "us and them".

Sep 27, 2012
Upland, CA.
"us and them".
This! This right here is the biggest issue we face. Im not going to get into a big political rant (see I can follow rules too) but this Us and Them mentality is what driving this country down the wrong path. We have forgotten how to stand together, regardless of differences.
ohhh that was close to becoming a rant... LOL



Feb 28, 2014
Us and Them

And after all we're only ordinary men

Me, and you

God only knows it's not what we would choose to do

Forward he cried from the rear

and the front rank died

And the General sat, as the lines on the map

moved from side to side

Black and Blue

And who knows which is which and who is who

Up and Down

And in the end it's only round and round and round

Haven't you heard it's a battle of words

the poster bearer cried

Listen son, said the man with the gun

There's room for you inside...



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
Rule 9.... I agree completely!

Any time I read a post, or get a text, with all of these single letters, or odd combinations of letters, or numbers, or both it frustrates me to no end!

I may not be the most grammatically correct person, and I may have to use spell check every now and then, but at least most people wouldn't need a code book handy to decipher what I say/write!
What ever happened to Lawrence? He'd set them straight in a heartbeat!



Jun 23, 2011
1. Every gun is always loaded.

2. Never allow the muzzle to cover anything you are not willing to kill or destroy.

3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.

4. Know your target and what's beyond it.
Hmmm. I can only come up with four. (Well, me and the Colonel and I.)



Feb 13, 2015
Anything I wouldn't say face to face, risking a punch in the snoot, I would not say on this forum. One problem for me is the difference between the written and spoken word. The inflection used to make a spoken phrase into harmless humor can't easily be put into a written communication. A good-natured jibe (when spoken) can come off as sounding like a mortal insult when written.



Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
Bring Back Rule No. Nine (Sung to the tune of "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean")
Some posts here are gems of bad grammar. Some posts here are composed in textese.

Some members they simply don't notice. Oh, bring back Rule Nine here for these.
Bring back, bring back, bring back Rule Nine here for these, for these.

Bring back, bring back, bring back Rule Nine here for these.
Last night I read several new threads here, the spelling of which was obscene.

The Posters used idiot shorthand, of which our man Kevin's not keen.
Bring back, bring back, bring back Rule Nine here for these, for these.

Bring back, bring back, bring back Rule Nine here for these!



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
@tslex. It never ceases to amaze me how many so called "gun guys" can't follow those four simple rules.

I mean everybody has a brain fart every now and then and does something stupid. But those with complete disregard for the rules are a little scary.



Aug 21, 2014
Sometimes you can overuse abbreviations and they come true...who knew?


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