Blue Fingers?

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Dec 25, 2017
I've recently acquired a Peterson Atlantic Series Bent Apple (03) and really enjoy how it smokes. However, I've noticed it stains my fingers blue where I hold it?!?
Has anyone else had this problem? Will it stop by itself or do I need to seal it or something?
Any help would be appreciated.



Dec 25, 2017
I had one bowl of aromatic that wasn't quite dry enough and did get rather warm, but other than that I'm smoking rather cool. It's the strangest thing.



Dec 14, 2015
Not strange at all. It's a Peterson. QC is terrible. For the same money (or less) you can get a Blakemar, Blatter & Blatter, Stanwell, or a high end estate pipe and get much better quality overall.



Mar 25, 2014
My Peterson Sterling Silver 80s Bent Bulldog (bought new) stained my fingers red on the first smoke so I hand buffed it with a very soft cloth. I just kept buffing until no more color came off. The process did lighten up the color of the finish somewhat, however, I was more than pleased with the final color. I had long forgotten about the issue with the stained fingers until I read this thread. The pipe in question has since gone on to be one of my all time favorites!

Jul 28, 2016
I have experienced this to happen with two ,no surprice Petersons,one was that from their Harp series and another from Ashford but after few bowls and had puffing all this settled normally, oh and with one brand new Stanwell Royal had the same situation.As a side note thes pipes were not factory seconds and were produced in between 2015-17 and had a price tag around $ 120.



Dec 25, 2017
Thanks for all the info! I think I'll try polishing until it stops coming off and hopefully I'll have similar results to Dot and will like the results.

I'm sure it is from the 2015-2017 Peterson range, and am a little disappointed, so I appreciate the other similarly priced suggestions.

And as far as fingers vs balls...I'll take the fingers ;-)

Jan 8, 2013
My Savinelli Marte lost quite a bit of stain to the point that the finish is noticeably lighter. It's a heck of a smoker though so I'm not too terribly disappointed.



Dec 25, 2017
If this works here are a few pics. The one with the stain on the cloth was just after wiping for a few seconds. I'll keep at it until it stops coming off and then keep enjoying it.



Feb 21, 2013
Bad stain on various brands, not a happy thought. If it were mine, I'd be afraid it would continue to rub off until it was gone. I don't know if it will ever set up properly, but I guess it could. Especially at the prices mentioned, this should not happen. Even if you can handle a pipe before buying it, this might not be apparent, until it is heated, cooled and handled some more. I've been lucky with Petersons and the other brands mentioned. If I were you, I'd tend to buy unfinished pipes for a while so as not to contend with the issue. A pipe is supposed to be soothing, not annoying. Unfinished pipes "finish themselves," turn a golden walnut color and polish up nicely over time.



Dec 25, 2017
In the future I'm sure I'll stick with natural colors, and in the meantime I've polished this one until no more is coming off and will put on a coat of wax to try and seal it. It's a great smoker, so even if this doesn't work I'll just deal with it.

Thanks again for the advice!



Aug 22, 2016
Your mom\\\'s house
In the future I'm sure I'll stick with natural colors, and in the meantime I've polished this one until no more is coming off and will put on a coat of wax to try and seal it. It's a great smoker, so even if this doesn't work I'll just deal with it.

Thanks again for the advice!
I got a black silver spigot peterson 106 that is an estate, from the 1990s. When I got it the clear coat was coming off and so was some of the black. I think it was smoked really hot. Anyway, I took Everclear and a rag and took as much stain off that would come off easily. Waxed it. I love the finish more than the solid black. (I've never been a black pipe fan) Now it has a faded blackish/brown finish.
Good luck man

It is really weird how Peterson guys will just "fix" the problems with their new Petes instead of at least sending an email or calling the retailer. I'm sure that the Peterson company is setting back thinking that all of their pipes are just perfect, because no one ever lets them know... They are like upscale MM corncobs, in that everyone just expects to have to do something to the thing before they can smoke them.

Jul 28, 2016
Cosmic: Very good statement,just what I was thinking these days,from now on should I gets Peterson pipe with more than very minor blemish I'm not planning on remodifying it by myself at home but instead,on the first hand will contact either The company customer care representative/or the retailer who sold the piece and then leaving them to make the desicion how to be

So to say I'm not to see no misaligned or poorly fitting stems nor do I wanna see pits more than maximum 2 and the drawhole should be well drilled yet staining more or less complet,It'll be the whole new ball game if these were brand new pipes that costs no more than say $35,then I wouldn't bother.



Aug 22, 2016
Your mom\\\'s house
t is really weird how Peterson guys will just "fix" the problems with their new Petes instead of at least sending an email or calling the retailer.
I agree. I have never gotten one first hand, but I'd complain if it were me. I've heard good results from Peterson with people that have encountered this issue.
I saw a guy on the Peterson Facebook page that had two new Racing Green Spigots that he smoked 3-5 times. It was very, very evident he smoked them hotter than hell and charred the crap out of the rims with a torch lighter. Anyway, the finish was bubbling and cracking on both pipes. He was bad mouthing Peterson pipes. The people in the thread told him to contact Peterson. He proceeded to bad mouth them. Someone from Peterson stepped in on the thread, told the guy to mail them to Dublin, he did. 2 months later this guy came back and said Peterson took the pipes in and issued him 2 new ones. He said they told him it was abuse of the pipes and that they would exchange them once and never again.
They seem to have good customer service.

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