Hi Tony,
Since you are keeping the pipe and trying to fix it yourself, here is my suggestion.
Do not use automotive carnauba as most times it contains other polymers or silicone which will just completely seal the wood. I'm not a fan of completely sealing the wood as most pipemakers like the idea of the wood "breathing", if that's even a thing (lots of debate).
Anyway, if you want to set the stain, I would go to the local hardware store, pick up a small can of Bullseye Shellac, and a small can of denatured alcohol. In your case I would mix them together in about a 75% shellac to 25%DNA mix and apply a very light coat using a pipe cleaner, apply it very fast and try not to overlap strokes too much. Let that dry for at least 24hrs and then buff it with a soft cloth. If you don't have a buffing wheel you can try a hand buff product for pipes like Halcyon wax (theres another named one too, can't remember, one is for rusticated pipes and one is for smooth). Anyway, that should get a light wax over the top to create a shine.
The shellac mix will seal the stain from coming off, but also allow the pores of the wood to "breath". Please note that the more DNA you use in the mix, the lighter the stain might end up as there will always be some overstain that comes off on the pipe cleaner as pipe stains are usually alcohol soluble.
Just my 2 cents.