My first blend was OK, but was hot and I ended up with lots of tongue bite as newbies often do. Then my 2nd smoke was EMP and I was absolutely in love…. Would be great for a first smoke.
I actually considered Cowboy CoffeeI agree with your original choice of Sun Bear, +1 for Six Pence and codger blends as well. Any burley w/o bite would be a great choice as he likes cigars and may find these especially satisfying as i do.
Maybe one of C&D's burley blends (1-5).
Another option would be something flavorful and easy going like Country Squire's Cowboy Coffee or King's Highway.
I early on developed a taste for English . . . and only discovered Presbyterian a week ago. I agree with your recommendation. Burns cool, doesn't bite and has a fine but gentle flavour.I'd have gone with the codger (Carter Hall was mine) or a light English such as EMP or Presbyterian.
Only because those are what worked for me.
Perfect f'ing answer. We all should have thought of that.tell them to buy your favourite blends, if they don't like them you can allways get them with a great discount!