I’ve never had much luck smoking small-bowled pipes. I have a hard time smoking them cool enough to enjoy. Anyone have any suggestions? (With a nod to @mso489 - I tried to make a decent headline)
Short bowls like a prince where chamber depth could be less than 1”. Also Dunhill grp 1 or 2 equivalents in billiard or Dublin which may be somewhat deeper but have narrow chambers and thin walls.How small is small? If you dry enough, pack correctly and smoke at a reasonable pace, I haven't found that it makes much difference.
I only like small pipes with thicker walls. A good squat bowl prince, about 3/4" bowl diameter, is one of my favorite shapes.
I don't know if Philt Pads would fit in my clay pipes!Most pipes I smoke have smaller bowls as they are similar in size to a clay pipe. Since everything I smoke is self prepared from plug I have found the stuff burns a lot slower. The use of Philt Pads seems to reduce the steam that some people complain about and I really don't puff aggressively so stuff doesn't heat up. As a 'wet' smoker I find I only experience tongue burn if I dry the tobacco out which only happens if I misjudge my bowl fills by cutting up too much.