JackBoot was used as a "vivid" adjective, plus it's fun to say out loud "Jackboot Jackboot Jackboot." Lol.
How much of Fisher's book goes over Feudalism, sure it's a great read thanks for the recommendation will check it out. Note made on list of books to read.
Reality check, there will always be some sort of regulatory oversight, I'd rather the oversight be done mostly by competition and my wallet. To steer the boat in the right direction a huge turn has to be made and an argument has to be made for Lassiez Faire. I still stand by observations already made.
I hope The technocrats will back off, Pence may be the right set of ears. Who knows.
As far as Liberty, well, only the Civil Society can offer that. Woodsroad, is probably right.
Back to the shop to make my pussy cap.