Let's get out the big boy pipes now.
I have been keeping abreast of this discussion, and there are some fine suggestions for blends approaching full-bodied English. However, some with implants.... not the real feel.
I like the feel of some natural, full-bodied pairs (pipe and tobacco), don't you?
I have on hand and regularly imbibe in all the Esoterica English blends. But let me add some hand-blended and bulk thick smoking stuff that surpasses those.
Surprise, surprise... there are a few LJPeretti, Boston hand-made English choices: Royal and Omega are certainly full and thick smokes. But their Smith's Own is thicker. Recenty, I have been enamored of their first English blend in the Americas -- British Mixture. Full, complex... so something to think about with a real ale, single malt or glass of Burgundy (in the other hand).
In bulk, I keep coming around to Lane Ltd's Crown Achievement and the Arrango Balkan Supreme. While I know this is tinned, I buy Samuel Gawith Commonwealth by the half-pound (with admiration).
Motzek, now by Thomas Darasz in Kiel Germany at the Baltic Sea, is known for its S.Curly Mixture (a serious VA coin-cut). I love his Latakia concoctions, especially his Herbst 84, Autumn; and Old English. There are also Latakia bricks and ropes. How do we know, right off the bat, that he's into Old World Latakia styles? He also makes killer 9mm pipes at his shop. Here's a link to his hand-blending tobaccos... all of them:
While these are jars not jugs... more than a handful is a waste...