samanden, just remember with the Belgique that it is a little more fragile than thicker pipes. For a pocket pipe
or a travel pipe, a sturdy bent billiard makes a good smoker. You can carry the Belgique in your breast pocket,
carefully, but it would be easily broken in a trousers pocket. I smoke mine regularly. If you want a good small
cob, OD makes a great one, with a bamboo stem. With that little cob bowl, you'll need to use the scoop as the
tamper since most tampers don't fit. But the Belgique is plenty big enough for a tamper.
or a travel pipe, a sturdy bent billiard makes a good smoker. You can carry the Belgique in your breast pocket,
carefully, but it would be easily broken in a trousers pocket. I smoke mine regularly. If you want a good small
cob, OD makes a great one, with a bamboo stem. With that little cob bowl, you'll need to use the scoop as the
tamper since most tampers don't fit. But the Belgique is plenty big enough for a tamper.