Best Pipe Money Can Buy?

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Dec 19, 2016
Whatever the case, a pipe is a statement about the owner, or at least, the owner is making a statement with the pipe. No one buys a $1,000 pipe let alone a $50,000 pipe without wanting to say loudly: I AM SUCCESSFUL FINANCIALLY! It isn't about getting a better smoke. It may also be because they appreciate the artfulness of the pipe and can afford to pay for it. Same with its opposite cousin, the cob; here the person is saying he cares mainly for utilitarian function over form. It gets the job done. And a hundred variations in-between. It is all about your self-image or at least the image you want to project, your mood, principles, and of course, your budget.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I have been asked how much a pipe I was smoking cost. My reply was, "How rude to ask and its none of your business." I can afford the pipes I want, has nothing to do with image (very few ever see me with a pipe as I'm not around others where possible) and everything to do with self-gratification. It's easy, if a pipe catches my eye in a store, passes my inspections, I buy it. If it smokes well, it stays.
Again, "Best Pipe Money Can Buy"? I have no idea. I can speak only to the pipes I have purchased.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 25, 2016
I'm not entirely sure about your image theory toobfreak.
I have a couple of "presentable" briars which I would use away from home, but the bulk of my day to day smokers will never be witnessed by anyone else. In short, image only factored in two of my ten pipes, the rest are purely for backyard smoking and were bought to see how different pipes perform differently, nothing to do with appearance/image whatsoever.
For the record, the two smarter looking briars are simply classic shaped pipes with no obvious implication of price to the casual onlooker, and there's probably only a handful of people who've seen me smoke those.



May 9, 2015
Estey's Bridge N.B Canada
No consideration of image or making a statement for me. As stated above most of my pipes never leave the house. My biggest concern in choosing a pipe for when I'm out and about is the convenience, size for carrying and bowl size for length of smoke.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I could see walking around smoking a $1000 pipe. That's not too outrageous, and cost about as much as the average pair of prescription eyeglasses. But, I am going to guess that a $50,000 pipe would be bought by someone who wanted to keep that pipe for collectible reasons. They probably wouldn't be smoking it at all.
There's a guy down the street that collects stuffed birds from all over the world. He drops $10,000 a few times a year on a dead bird, sometimes more. He's not rich. He is just willing to set aside money for when he finds that one thing that will make him happy. I think people can and should do whatever makes them happy with their money. You won't hear me criticizing someone for what they buy. More power to you.



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
Just imagine putting a match to an unsmoked $50,000 pipe, that first bowl is verrrrrry expensive! But, I agree, that most pipes in this price range are likely bought as art/investments and are never smoked even once.



Dec 19, 2016
Believe me, basic to psychology is your self-image (how you see yourself) and your projected image (how you want others to see you). If you are spending anything like 50K on a pipe, there is a definite psychology involved. Doesn't mean you are aware of it on a conscious level. Doesn't mean you have to be seen with it as a status symbol, just that you take such pride in owning it and the satisfaction it gives you in owning it. Maybe it is art, maybe it is a collectable to be cherished or sold for a profit, but that warm fuzzy feeling you get buying, holding and owning it is part of your self-image.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
It is simple self-gratification for me. I have no need to delve into the deeper meaning of life. If I like something and wish to purchase same, I do. Pure selfishness! Same reason I smoke, self-gratification. At my age, I have no one to impress, no dependents and a bit of money to spend before I depart for places unknown.
And, you've all seen the avatar, would anyone concerned with self-image allow something like that to be posted in public? I think not! Nope, selfishness pure and simple is the motivator. Of course I may be parsing words a bit too much.



Dec 19, 2016
Buying anything at all has some sort of psychology involved. So is telling everyone how "psychological" buying an expensive pipe is. That's also a part of your self-image, right?
Ahh, Hmm, no. Was just trying to lend some analysis to the thread.



Can't Leave
Jan 26, 2016
A Dunhill is best. Wait, no, a Peterson. Wait, a Savoneli. No, a Sasani. NO, a Tsuga. The best I smoke has no name so we'll call it a EWING after me ! CASE CLOSED ! ;-)

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