So, let's say if you could buy any pipe you wish what would it be and why!?
I would love to have a pipe carved by Sixten Ivarsson. It's not that his pipes are better than anyone else, but he was perhaps the most influential carver of the 20th century. His designs pushed the boundary past the classical French shapes, involving a more organic fluid shaping that attempted to maximize the marriage of shape to grain pattern - following the grain. He opened the door through which hundreds of others have walked.
Alas, his pipes are very expensive and beyond my reach, so that will remain an unfulfilled wish. I can admire his designs and enjoy the explosion of creative carving that has since flourished because of the path he blazed.
From a practical standpoint, a cob will serve just about as well as a more expensive pipe. In my experience, most pipes smoke equally well, regardless of price. But for more money you get a more comfortable hand cut stem and bit, nicer looking wood, better fit and finish, and perhaps better shaping.
I'm a firm believer that a great smoke is 25% equipment and 75% technique.