Best Pipe Money Can Buy?

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Feb 21, 2017
Im curious to know what is the best pipe money can buy and what makes that pipe so good and expensive? I do realize some pipes are expensive simply because they maybe "limited edition" or some pipes have nice hand carved details on them. Is this what simply makes a pipe expensive or is there more to it?



Dec 29, 2016
I am sorry to inform you that the two best pipes money can buy are currently in my possession.
Having said that, I am also sure that those two pipes are in a tie with countless others for that title.
Two days ago I sat on a park bench on the first warm day of the year and had an absolutely stellar smoke in what was, at that moment, the best pipe in the world....It was a $5 corn cob pipe :)



Dec 29, 2016
I'm glad I made you see the, if you PM me, I'll send the address to which you can send all those worthless Dunhills :rofl:



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 4, 2016
Albuquerque, NM
I bought a lot of pipes on ebay. The average cost came out to about $5. A couple of cobs, a few Dr Grabows, one Mastersen and few no names. One of the no names, that is just stamped made in Italy cleaned up really nicely and has turned out to be the best smoker I have out of all my pipes. And that includes the brand new pipes I have bought. So you never know what is going to turn out to be worth the most to you.



Feb 21, 2013
I think of this as a dollar-for-dollar (or choose your preferred currency) in terms of value. Dunhills are beautiful pipes, but at their price, not so impressive. So for sheer value for dollar, I think the French have most other nations beat, though Italy comes a very close second. If Chacom and BC were in more limited production, to make their scarcity credible, and were marketed at three times the prices, I think they would have steady, even ardent sales. Other French brands as well -- Genod, Villiard, and so on. Then Denmark and Ireland, for good pipes at attainable prices. Also the U.S. with Dr. Grabow (our last great briar pipe factory), Missouri Meerscham and Old Dominion cobs. I think the artisan market is more global -- wonderful smoking pipes, as well as striking works of art that are pipes, are available at somewhat similar prices; their value is more subjective, so I'd say the "best money can buy" analysis is subjective in hand made pipes.
Remember, the French were the first to make briar pipes a commercial success and universal best material, and most shapes originated in France, certainly most of what we think of as English shapes, and France also has its own particular culture and distinction in design.



Feb 13, 2015
"Value" is far too subjective for a handy answer. What do you value more? Smoking characteristics? Hand-feel? Stem comfort? Beautiful aesthetics? An acceptable smoking device for the lowest possible price? Prestige cachet? The list has innumerable permutations.
Me? I seem to really, really like cobs.



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
When asked the unanswerable question about best pipe that money can buy, it comes down to a couple of things to me. Is the pipe going into a museum collection? Is the pipe going to rattle around in my gear bag? Is the pipe to complete a collection from a certain carver? Is the pipe going to be a workhorse smoker in my office? Is the pipe going to be a workhorse in the field?
I smoke every pipe I own. They are the best i have. I have cobs. I have meerschaum pipes from 1881 to modern. I have Falcons. I have Kirsten's. I have Dunhills and other "BritWood" pipes. I have Kaywoodie pipes. And I have Ryan Alden pipes.
They are all the best money can buy. Some cost $5 and others $350 but price doesn't mean best. Most times "best" is in the eyes or head of the beholder.



May 28, 2015
Well.. there is a Michael Parks Cutty on SPC thats quite attractive.
Please, let me know how it smokes.. 8)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 25, 2016
I can only comment on the 10 cheap pipes I own, but the one that has impressed me most, and keeps impressing me, is my 5 quid MM Ozark Cherrywood.
It smokes everything really well, is lightweight, good bowl size for general use, cheap enough to abuse/handle roughly without feeling guilty, and ugly enough not to get nicked while still looking better than a cob.
If I could turn back time I would have foregone my clays and a couple of others, and got 5 of these and just stained them different colours.

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