Best Conceal Carry Holster

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Jul 13, 2011
So I recently got my Conceal and Carry License and am looking for a holster. For those of you who carry what would you recommend? Keep in mind that I don't wear a belt very often, so I would like one that I could wear either way, either on my side or in the middle of my back. Any help or sites to get one would be appreciated. I have an XD9. Thanks!



Might Stick Around
Jan 27, 2013
I wouldn't carry without a belt for support. You may want to wear one every time you carry. The good rule of thumb is dress around what you'll be carrying- you wouldn't carry a full size 1911 or a large frame revolver on your hip with only a t-shirt to cover it. Until I get another revolver, I usually carry a PM9- I have a combination inside the pant/belt holster I use during the winter when I can cover it with a hoody, and a pocket holster for the summer. The XD9, iirc, isn't that small so it will definitely make multiple carry options more difficult for you.



Might Stick Around
Nov 1, 2012
You won't be able to carry something the size of the XD9 without a belt. At least not safely.A good belt keeping everything in place is necessary. I carry an XD9SC daily and it's even to heavy to do without a belt. I use High Noon holsters, almost exclusively. A couple of Don Hume belt slides round out the stash.

I'm a big guy so a 1911 under a t-shirt works just fine. As long as it's a big t-shirt. The 1911 is just really heavy for daily carry, for me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 3, 2013
the best thing I've found for EDC is an LCP in my pocket, for a belt holster I'm a big fan of Don Hume if you're cheap triple K



Dec 18, 2011
Shain I like this one for regular carry, but you do need a belt



Can't Leave
May 16, 2011
While I can't suggest a good holster, I can give a few pointers.
Like carbz13 and bigmick said, get a good belt. Even if you don't wear one now, you'll need one. I use to only wear belts for work, but now it's commonplace. Excuse my ignorance, but which version of the XD9 did you get (sub-compact, compact, full sized)? My other question is, what is your build? I'm 6'4" and skinny as a rail, so I have deal with pressing. Pressing is a major concern if you're in an area where carry isn't common place, though it should be a concern in general. In the end, I bought myself a Glock 26 (I know, I think they're ugly as sin, but for relieabity it's hard to beat) because of pressing. Anything larger than sub-compact stood out like a whore in a crowd of nuns.
"But Rogers, you're 6'4", how do your hands fit around a sub-compact?" Poorly, that's how. Until I bought a Pearce grip. It replaces the floorplate and allowing my pinkie on the grip without adding much length. I love the thing and plan on adding them to all my magazines for my Glock (when I can find them).



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 23, 2012
I would go for a "Galco Executive Shoulder Holster" and a Walter PPK, just like James Bond :worship:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 18, 2013
You need a good gun belt. There are plenty of good options for an XD series pistol - just find one that suits you the best (everyone is different). Just stay away from the BlackHawk Serpa holster. That thing is an accident waiting to happen.
From personal experience, I would also stay away from Tucker Gunleather. The holster I got concealed perfectly and was very comfortable (Browning Hi-Power), but the construction was not thought out well. The belt clips flair out for no particular reason which rarely, but critically, caught clothing and they were a weak material and eventually broke from regular wear after a year of use. If not for those clips, it would have been a great, premium construction buy-it-for-life holster, and I intend on letting them know that.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I would add that you should choose one with a paddle.

The paddle will add stability and will help keeping the weapon close to your body.

The last thing you want is a floppy holster.

And, most of them are adjustable for "cant" and made for specific pistols.
Safariland has some good stuff.

Safariland concealment holsters



Mar 1, 2013
I know a lot of you will make fun of me but this is what I use. I typically wear business casual (think Dockers and polo) and if the polo is untucked I can wear this underneath with a Sig 239.
Belly Band



Nov 13, 2012
With the XD you will absolutely need to wear a belt unless you get a belly band like yaz. The belt needs to be heavy duty as well as it needs to help support the weight of the gun.
I personally prefer a good quality leather holster from people like Galco, Bianchi, De Santis etc. Usually a strong side inside the waistband holster. If I'm going to be wearing a sweatshirt, jacket or a long untucked shirt I would wear something like a belt slide holster.
Also you have to think about what you wear and where you'll be when your carrying. For example if you drive a lot you have to think about being able to draw with a seat belt on. I find small of the back holsters easy to hide however they are very uncomfortable being in a car for any period of time.
These are both nice holsters:
OWB slide:
One of the first things you need to do is to learn to not fidget with it. I know some guys get nervous and are constantly making sure it's covered etc. I think that's far more noticeable than just a bump under your shirt where the gun is.



Mar 1, 2013
I agree access can be an issue if your shirt is tucked in but I find this ideal if I am not wearing a sport coat or something else. I tend to gravitate to this holster during the warmer months and since this is the one I was wearing this weekend that is why I posted it.
I was enlisted in the Marines so I always carried a rifle and never had much experience with carrying a pistol until I was in Desert Storm. As you know you get bounced around for different duties (I got there in August 1990 and the ground war didn't start until Jan 1991, so "hurry up and wait" was in full swing). There were times when we had to deliver "goods" in regular cars, so instead of my M-16 I was issued the Beretta 9mm for those duties. Instead of a hip holster we had the MP issued shoulder holsters. There were times when we had hip belt holsters and I found that I hated the straight hip draw, so I inverted the holster and enjoyed a cross draw. I am a righty so the pistol went on my left hip with the handle/magazine facing forward. This is much the same as a shoulder holster positioning, but down on your hip. This belly band holster works perfect for that.



Mar 1, 2013
One of the first things you need to do is to learn to not fidget with it. I know some guys get nervous and are constantly making sure it's covered etc. I think that's far more noticeable than just a bump under your shirt where the gun is.
+1 - totally agree Fitzy



Can't Leave
May 16, 2011
I know a lot of you will make fun of me but this is what I use. I typically wear business casual (think Dockers and polo) and if the polo is untucked I can wear this underneath with a Sig 239.
If it works why mock it? Sounds like a perfect fit for what you need.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2013
Aw man... I wish we could have CCW in Canada. However, the lib-tards and anti's wont let that pass even if it was a frosty day in hell.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I wasn't disparaging the "Belly Band"... not at all.

After all I have had one in the past and used it, back when I carried a 9mm.

I just found that having to pull a "polo" or tee shirt that high to access the weapon, could be problematic.

As for the one that I displayed, it is a one hand access.

You hook your thumb under your shirt as you reach for your pistol.

I found that the Belly Band took two hands... that's all.

One additional thought, not so much about the holster, but rather about the weapon to choose based on the weather/season.

Fall/Winter; when people are wearing heavier clothing, more penetrating power is needed and ease of concealment is simpler as well. I opt for large frame .45.

Spring/Summer; when people are wearing lighter clothing, I opt for smaller calibers or small frame. e.g. .32 caliber Derringer, or a .25 semi, pop top. (granted the latter choices are more "up close and personal", but hey... needs must.



Mar 1, 2013
Good point Lawrence, I probably should have mentioned that I wear it low on my hip UNDER my pants, so the only part sticking out is the inverted handle and trigger. While still a two handed operation I find this very easy. I haven't purchased a IWB holster yet but probably will this fall



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2013
A friend of mine how does competition shooting has this holster and matching pistol, although it is not permitted in competitions he has fun at the range with it and gets quite a few compliments on it. They have three different models however they are all side mounts for belts.



Jul 24, 2012
Panama City, Florida
Here is the best advise I ever got. A good belt designed for concealed carry is the most important part of your concealed carry system. The best holster in the world is only as good as your belt. A good belt turns an okay holster into a good holster. It turns a good holster into a great holster. I use an inside the waist band holster. Most quality makers produce good ones. Good luck! - bp

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