I like paper catalogs, though everything seems to be online today, so a lot of my catalog reading is off the screen. However, I do enjoy the Pipes and Cigars catalog when it shows up, and especially the Iwan Ries catalog, though those seem to arrive few and far between, annually I guess.
Hard copy fills a niche that screen devices never will. I'm not sure why. The portability and adaptability of hard copy is superior. I can nearly always arrange a page to read outdoors, whereas glare off a screen is a perpetual problem. There's no wifi variability. Making notes in the margin is always easier and more expressive than what you can do on a screen. I'm atavistic, but also correct. I have a kindle, but I just don't enjoy reading a book that way. Articles online aren't as intense as the print on the page. Online was supposed to put books and magazines out of business, but it didn't.