Best Bulk Dry Tobacco?

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I am not one to figure out paths. In fact, I don't like paths at all. I prefer just to meander about aimlessly. And, I don't mean metaphorically. I mean I just wander about aimlessly. Since my kids had the GPS chip embedded in my thigh, they let me venture further away from the house now. :puffy:



Jul 30, 2012
Cosmic...where did you get chipped? I have a friend that needs one.

OP..can't help you with a tobacco recommendation but order a lot of stuff for a long while from that site & never had a problem. As well as other sponsors of this forum.

Jan 31, 2017
i'm posting this in case someone wants to buy the ones i bought surprisingly daughters and ryan penhooker is the best of all the ones i bought, even though it's the cheapest, however second is bugler, yes, bugler is better than scotty's, stokkbye, and london dock, it gives more of a kick which is what matters (it's the whole point). even ohm blue gives more of a kick than stokkbye, london dock, and scotty's sadly. scotty's butternut burley and london dock taste and smell amazing however so there's that.
i'd say the best ones in order of the ones i got are daughters and ryan penhooker > bugler blue > ohm blue > scotty's butternut burley > scotty's pancake > scotty's chocolate > london dock > stokkbye pistachio and stokkbye cinnamon (both are crap). i'm not saying penhooker's the best, i didn't even get lane 1-q for some reason (the highest rated) and others might be better too but from now on i'm sticking with a pound of penhooker to be safe and maybe an ounce each time of another random one



May 6, 2016
West Texas
Im with Embers on this one, I stopped shopping P&C last summer, to many shipping problems, HOWEVER I did love the Best of the Rest, always a good smoke, never the same and a great value
Currently venturing into the Low Country offerings at SmokingPipes



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA

Moisture is good for letting the tobacco merry and age,

It only makes sense for that matter.
Yes, and if it's too dry in shipping and handling, it doesn't hold up well.
Like Goldilocks, "This one's too wet; this one's too dry; but this one is juuuuuuuust right!



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
This is another thread that ends up like all the other "what's best". 47 posts-47 different answers. What's the best food, car, etc?

I think there was the same thread in 2008.



Jul 21, 2015
Lately I've been hitting up C&D blends through, who are my "go to" retailer at this point. I listen to what Chasing Embers says as I think he puts pressure in the right places in this industry. Fanboism lowers the quality of a lot of things.
The latest I have discovered, Virginia Gentleman, is just delicious and comfortable to smoke. You have to take it slow because of the higher sugars of the Virginia-based blends, but it reveals a nice gentler smoke that I can breathe with and feel like there is always a treat in enjoying it. Sort of like one of those fancy lattes with all the fancy milk and syrups and stuff. You can just sip it without thinking and go through your day happily.
I would argue strongly in favor of trying if not absolutely hoarding the SG/GH tobaccos. They are designed for you to whack off a piece of rope (not that kind of whacking off, Cosmic) and shove it in a pocket, then throughout the day, slice off a few bits and roll them between your palms, then stuff them in the pipe and smoke while you are doing something else. It is the finest work tobacco, or at least in the top echelon, and I regret not ordering a dozen pounds of classics like Brown Irish X, Happy Brown Bogie, and the various plugs.
Generally, I avoid the Lakeland varieties, but I am mellowing on that now that I have a few cobs to smoke them in that I can keep outside so the dreaded "Lakeland Ghost" does not invade the house when I am not looking.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 27, 2011
I typically smoke C&D blends. I have over 40 varieties in jars. I like their english blends and burley blends. Daughter and Ryan is good. 4 noggins has a great variety of their own blends also. Look for these on sale at P&C,Smoking Pipes,4 Noggins, etc. All our sponsors offer good deals occasionally.

Jan 31, 2017
i'm not rolling it, i think cigarettes are better than rolled tobacco so i wouldn't. i smoke everything out of a metal pipe now (bong broke) and it's the best way i think.



May 9, 2015
Estey's Bridge N.B Canada

Jan 31, 2017
other thing i was gonna say was, i used to be extremely addicted to cigarettes, but then i switched to taking a hit out of a pipe or bong, and it's way better, couple friends of mine are even noticeably mad that they see me enjoying it more and they know they're still fucked
also the pipe babes on here aren't hot, makes me wonder if hot girls smoke tobacco out of pipes



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I sense that you haven't caught on to our little hobby. Seems you still inhale your tobacco??

That's ok, for now, but to really be able to enjoy tobacco to its best advantage, you need to learn how to slow your brain's demand to the pace of a pipe's nicotine delivery w/o inhaling, but with absorbtion via your mucous membrane.

You want nicotine kick? Why didn't you say so?

D&R Picayune

C&D Big 'n Burley

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