I smoke both. Which one I smoke depends on what I am doing at the time. If I am writing at the computer, trying to read a book, or fly fishing/fly tying, I usually smoke a bent, so the bowl stays out of my line of sight, and I have an unobstructed view. If I am sitting on the porch, hiking, paddling, bank or bait fishing, running trot lines or jug lines, etc... I probably will be smoking a straight. As far as smoking, there is little difference between them. However, straights are easier to clean, and keep clean. Bents let you see into the bowl while you are lighting them so you can get an even light.
It's 6 of one, and half a dozen of the other. For some things, a bent is more convenient, but if I am out fly fishing, and all I have with me is a straight, I am not going to decline to smoke...I'll just make do with what I've got....., and be happy that I have a pipe and tobacco to smoke at all.