Beginner's Tobacco Recommendation with Specific Requirements.

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Mar 29, 2018
Hello, I'm a pipe smoking guy who mostly enjoys virtually all type off pipe tobacco, but my favorite genres being English/Balkan, VAPer & DFK heavy flakes (MBHH Old Dark Fired is a big favorite for example)
I have a grand mission to revive the cultural value & respect off tobacco as a sophisticated connoiseurs delight and not a cheap, filthy drug.

We live in a world where actual real people beleive that the beatiful tobacco leaf somehow smells and tastes like ash, and something people only do to receive the drug effect from the nicotine. This criminal misconception must be stopped, and my plan to counter such myths is to simply offer people high quality tobacco products whenever I can.
On future social gatherings in my home I plan on having a jar off tobacco along with some clay pipes (cigars and snuff aswell) on the table for everyone to enjoy.
The question is what tobacco I should use. My target audience is occassional smokers and non-smokers. By my experience this group likes VAPers and Latakia blends far more than one would expect, but they generally dislike DFK blends & cigars. The smooth nature off Cyprian Latakia is well appreciated, and so are the wine-tasting notes & fermented fruit taste off perique, and the sweet citrus notes off Virginia. They are surprised, sometimes nearly shocked, that just tobacco can taste this good and that what they just tried taking a puff off wasn't heavily flavoured. This, my friends, is the reaction I wish to create with every man and woman on this earth. I wish to bless everyone with the privelige to enjoy tobacco. I sometimes even dream off converting hard-line anti-tobacco fascists, although I admit that this part off my plan is bordering on delusional. At least I can make it so that they feel that they are missing out on something great.
I wish the blend in question to fulfill these requirements:
Non-aromatic: Semi-aromatic is fine, but remember, I'm trying to sell tobacco as a flavour, not vanilla or cherry in the form off smoke.
Slow, easy burn: People tend to be good at following the "don't puff too hard or often" instruction, so I'm not worried about bite as much as I am about the pipe constantly going out. I can do the packing and charring lights for people, but once it's going it needs to be able to keep going without too much attention payed to it.
Good room-note: This is perhaps the most important factor and hard to achieve without going aromatic. I wish for it to be inoffensive, warm & pleasant, as far away as possible from the sharp, harsh smell off cigarette tobacco (it will inevitably have similarities, off course)
Low nicotine: I don't want to make occassional/non-smokers' heads spin.
I realize my demands are hard to fulfill in one sacred blend, but that makes for a good discussion.
I live in Sweden btw, so there are many american brands I can't easily acquire. They should still be mentioned in the interest off the discussion and lurkers.

Mar 29, 2016
Orlik Golden Sliced(Red Tin) should fill most if not all of your requirements.
Scandinavian Tobacco Group(STG)Escudo Navy De Luxe is another sophisticated Va/Per.
J.F.Germain & Son Germain's Special Latakia Flake for a tasty but not overwhelming English style tobacco.
Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake or Golden Glow for a great Virginia experience.



Jun 30, 2015
Wine notes make me think of Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend. It is an semi-aromatic (wine) but still offers the taste of tobacco. Easy to pack, light, and smoke and not heavy in nicotine. Nice room note.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Capstan Blue Flake and Dunhill Navy Rolls. Both are available and both are high quality blends. I would not recommend going with cobs and drug store blends.



Dec 29, 2016
Here's a bit of a reality check....
99% of all tobacco smoked (cigarettes) does smell and taste like ash.
99% of people who do smoke, no matter the delivery system, do it to feed a nicotine addiction.The addiction may be weak or very strong, but make no mistake, it's an addiction.
Your home is your castle and anyone that does not want to be exposed to smoke, be it either first or second hand, is free to not enter. Those that find pipe smoke pleasurable, or want to try it for themselves, will tell you and ask. I think the world has enough evangelists and missionaries for every conceivable cause. Enjoy your pipes, but don't ever feel like you have to justify yourself to anyone.



Mar 29, 2018
Notes from my own pool off aquired knowledge*, most off which is well known:

Burley & cavendish just seem to burn way better than VA's or anything else. It seems as if you can leave the pipe unattended for a ridicolously long time without having them go out with certain blends. Mac Baren Mixture Scottish is a good example, it seems to be impossible for it to go out. That blend is the best candidate I have found on my own, btw.
Bright Virginias tend to have a very sharp and cigarette-esque room note that most find disagreeable.
Orientals have a completely unique and pleasant incense-esque room-note, which will do wonders when it comes to disspelling myths about tobacco stink.
The idea that non-smokers don't enjoy tobacco flavours and therefore needs persuasion in the form off aromatics is as mentioned a total myth IMHO. They are also far more able to appreciate subtle nuances and complexity than our own prejudices about them would imply. They just dislike things like harshness and the dry aftertaste off cigars and DFK.
If the tobacco(s) have undergone unique treatments, curing processes etc (the whole perique process, for example), telling novices about it and why that process gives it the flavour that it does it will greatly enhance the experience for them. Research on wine tasting demonstrates this AFAIK.
A burley/oriental blend should fulfill all my requirements but this is not a common combination.
*Which is somewhat limited, I have only been serious about tobacco for about a year, although I first started smoking a pipe about 5-6 years ago.
EDIT: Thank you for all the responses & recommendations!



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
Well I like your project, as long as you are generous about it and do not impose it on anyone. We live in puritan times and someone has to counter that. I guess your tobaccos must be easy to handle, so Samuel Gawith flakes are probably not the best option, although I would recommend SG B.S. Flake. Just rub it out and dry it before you offer it to anyone. It has lots of taste, is sweet and the roomnote is great. It is not an aromatic.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Here's a bit of a reality check....
99% of all tobacco smoked (cigarettes) does smell and taste like ash. ............
My thoughts exactly bassbug. While the OP's idealistic goals may be somewhat admirable, I suspect it is more likely he'll lose some non smoking friends versus converting them into the hobby/habit or even to acceptance. I think it would be easier hanging out Moe at the local pipe club and making new friends.



Mar 29, 2018
The evangelist & dramatic tone off the post was largely meant as a joke, turning an unhealthy & hedonistic leisure into some great cause is in itself comical. I thought the reflection on the grandness off my ambitions in the section about converting anti-baccy people made it obvious, but oh well.
Really I'm just looking for a natural-tasting tobacco to share with my more open-minded friends without bothering my non-smoking friends too much. :)



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
Again: B.S.Flake. Burley,cavendish, orientals, virginia. It was the first tobacco that tasted sweet to me, and that is why I recommend it to the inexperienced.



Mar 29, 2018
BS Flake is an excellent idea. I have some and I consider it incredible, for some reason I hadn't really considered it.

Samuel Gawith is also just a cool brand because off their strict adherence to tradition.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2012
Wilmington, De / Ithaca, NY
I'd get some nice "my own blend" stuff from the danish pipe shop... you can easily get it - they have high quality mixtures.
Here's a good one: My Own Blend, Special blend, Red Caledonian



Oct 17, 2017
San Antonio, TX
The Sophisticate


Greetings unwashed gentlemen of the briar and stone;
It has come to my attention via top secret means through possessors of

specialized knowledge that your paltry newsgroup has fallen into

disarray. This is apparently because there are no possessors of

specialized knowledge left among you that are willing to withstand the

foul stench of your unwashed bodies and uncleaned basket pipes filled

with non vintage drug store tobaccos.
Buying, filling, lighting, and actually smoking such a complicated item

as a pipe seems, in the minds of the possessors of the specialized

knowledge, to be beyond you. You wallow in the dark valley of corncob

pipes (gasp!), Sir Walter Raleigh "tobacco", (double gasp!!) and wooden

(not hand carved from Brazilian rosewood) matches. And you even seem to

enjoy this squalor!!
Alas, how has this come to past?
As I recline on my hand tooled calf skin settee, smoking a 1924 Dunhill

Zulu filled with Cope's Escudo from my vast stores of vintage plat, I

ponder the dilemma. How can such barbarian pipesters such as yourselves

be brought into the bright light of fine high grade pipes and really

fine tobaccos?
The problem is especially difficult because those that profess to be

keepers of the specialized knowledge are so horrified at your condition

that they will not even don a hazardous waste protection suit and mingle

with you members of the newbie masses. Indeed, there is a faint noxious

odor coming through my gold plated, hand assembled by William Gates,

Microsoft keyboard.
I will have to have my faithful manservant, Manchester, disinfect it

later, after my usual lunch of cold Maine lobster salad, followed by

Napoleon (of course it's the real thing) brandy and a bowl of original

1963 Balkan Sobranie in a 3 foot meerschaum carved by a Turkish disciple

of A.Rodin, lighted and supported by two finalists in the "Next American

Model" contest dressed in traditional harem girl garb.
What to do? What to do? Indeed it is a serious matter. How can you

cretins be brought up to the level of those true masters of the fine art

of pipe smoking that shun your very existence?
Suggestions, anyone?
The Sophisticate
(just a little a.s.p. blast from the past)


Feb 13, 2015
Mr. Peeps, that is some fine ruminatin' and writin'. I was enjoying a bowl of Prince Albert out of a cob while I was reading it; you, sir, have inspired me to undo one of my overall straps and kick off my shoes as well.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Mac Baren Navy Flake and F&T Cut Virginia Plug should be suitable. Neither are considered aromatics, but they do contain topping that brings out the flavor of the tobaccos. Sam Gawith Best Brown Flake is another tasty treat, but like the other two suggestions, it should be rubbed-out for beginner pipe smokers.

Mar 29, 2016
newbroom: " I wish to bless everyone with the privelige to enjoy tobacco.
Ok, I'll admit it. This seems troubling."

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